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I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry into the utility or necessity, and probable cost, of the works proposed by the petitioners. 18th November, 1887.

No. 30. —Petition of Heney Bennett. The petitioner prays for remission of £10 fine for breach of the Sheep Act. I am directed to report that the Committee, being satisfied that no wilful breach of the Act was intended, is of opinion that the fine of £10 should be remitted. 18th November, 1887.

No. 50.—Petition of E. L. Clabk (No. 1). The petitioner prays for a public inquiry into the conduct of the Judge and the Eegistrar of the Supreme Court, and the Official Assignee, at Auckland. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on the subject of this petition. 18th November, 1887.

No. 92. —Petition of Allan Camekon. The petitioner states that he has been improperly refused a certificate as an authorised surveyor. No. 221.—Petition of Joseph Hogan. The petitioner prays for consideration on account of a wound received in the military service of the colony. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on the subject of these petitions. 18th November, 1887.

No. 82.—Petition of Geobge Haedy. The petitioner states that, after nineteen years' service in the Auckland Lunatic Asylum, he was compelled, by persecution on the part of Dr. Cremonini, the new Medical Superintendent, to resign his appointment. He prays for consideration. I am directed to report that the Committee, having inquired fully into the case, is of opinion that the petitioner's conduct after the appointment of Dr. Cremonini was not such as to entitle him to any consideration from the Government. 24th November, 1887.

No. 118.—Petition of H. B. Huddleston. The petitioner, an old surveyor, complains that " The Land Transfer Act, 1885," by invalidating his old license to practise as a surveyor, has deprived him of his professional income. He prays for compensation. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner refuses to comply with the requirements of the Survey Department, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 24th November, 1887.

No. 181. —Petition of A. W. Caekeek. The petitioner claims £31 10s. for fifteen days' attendance at a Land Court by order of Judge Symonds. I am directed to report that it appears to the Committee that the petitioner is equitably entitled to the payment of his claim. 24th November, 1887.

No. 195.—Petition of Lieutenant H. G. Aechee, E.N. The petitioner states that his services as an extra clerk in the Land Transfer Office at Auckland have been dispensed with, and prays that employment may be found for him. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 24th November, 1887.

No. 237.—Petition of C. E. Haywaed. The petitioner claims consideration for service under the Provincial Government of Otago. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner, having received retiring-allowance for the whole time of his service under the General Government, has no claim for further compensation. 24th November, 1887.

No. 251.—Petition of W. Hoene and Others. The petitioners pray for special representation for seamen, and protest against the employment of coloured labour on board New Zealand ships, and against the admission of foreign vessels to New Zealand ports. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, 24th November, 1887.