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No. 48, Sbss. I.—Petition of J. G. Dick. The petitioner prays for further payments on account of a contract on the Otago Central Eailway. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitioners have no claim against the colony. 15th November, 1887.

No. 78.—Petition of E. L. Clakk (No. 2). The petitioner prays for amendment of the law relating to the committal of accused persons for trial. No. 156.—Petition of H. B. Davis and Others. The petitioner prays for amendment of " The Gaming and Lotteries Act, 1881," so that sweepstakes may be made legal. No. 189.—Petition of J. Wabmoll and Others. The petitioners pray for such amendment of the Auckland Harbour Acts as will give the Lake Takapuna District one representative on the Auckland Harbour Board. No. 222—Petition of D. Hipkins and Others. The petitioners pray for immediate revision of the Customs Tariff. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 15th November, 1887.

No. 167, Sess. I.—Petition of Bauchop and Eitchie. The petitioners pray for compensation for damage to their sawmill alleged to have been caused by water diverted upon their land by Government rail way-works. I am directed to report that the Committee sees no reason to depart from the decision of the Petitions Committee of 1885. 15th November, 1887. No. 182.—Petition of H. de Clifton and two Others. THe petitioners pray that the main street of Eketahuna may not be made any narrower than I am directed to report that, since a Bill dealing with the subject is now before the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th November, 1887.

No. 10.—Petition of John Andeew Caeson. The petitioner prays for compensation for removal from the post of Manager of the Burnham Industrial School. . . I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the services of the petitioner were dispensed with for sufficient reasons; and that, reviewing ail the circumstances of the case, the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 17th November, 1887.

No, 33, —Petition of Alexandeb McCausland Hamilton. (Second report.) The petitioner states that he has lost one of his legs in the service of the Eailway Department, and has received £50 as compensation. He prays for further consideration. I am directed to report that the Committee, on reconsidering this petition, sees no reason to depart from the decisions of the Public Petitions Committee of 1884 and 1885—namely, that, as the petitioner has given a receipt for £50 in full satisfaction of all claims, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 16th November, 1887.

No. 225.—Petition of W. Acton Adams. The petitioner prays for remission of fines for breaches of the Sheep Act. I am directed to report that the Committee deems it inadvisable to make any. recommendation on this petition until a further inspection of the petitioner's flock has been made after next shearing. 17th November, 1887.

No. 9.—Petition of A. W. Ingles and H. A. Ingles. The petitioners pray for remission of rent, and for compensation for loss alleged to have been suffered through the action of the Sheep Department. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the rent, amounting to £110 13s. 4d., already paid by the petitioners in 1887, should be refunded to them ; but that, with respect to their claim for compensation, the Committee is of opinion that the petitioners have no claim whatever against the colony. 18th November, 1887.

No. 29. —Petition of James Deake and Others. The petitioners pray for a grant of money for the purpose of improving Waikouaiti Harbour,