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I have the honour to report that, the subject-matter of these petitions having been dealt with in the Land Bill now before Barliament, the Committee have no recommendation to make. 12th December, 1887.

No. 194.—Petition of B. S. Murray. The petitioner prays for compensation for depreciation of his land through adjacent bush-reserve being taken for village settlement. I have the honour to report that the Committee are of opinion that the petitioner has no claim. 15th December, 1887.

Public Beserves Sale Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have the honour to report that they have duly considered the same. The amendments made by the Committee are shown in a copy of the Bill attached hereto. 15th December, 1887.

No. 380. —Betition of Settlers of Tuapeka District. The petitioners pray that an amendment be made in the existing law, to enable inquiry to be made into the alleged case of dummyism in the Tuapeka District, Provincial District of Otago. I have the honour to report that the recommendation of the Committee is that the petition be referred to Government. 15th December, 1887.

Claims op Old Soldiers and Volunteers. I have the honour to report that, in terms of a resolution already arrived at, the petitions in the schedule attached be referred to the Government —namely, That, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitions of old soldiers and Volunteers and other cognate claims be referred to Government for consideration, with the recommendation that they be dealt with on equitable grounds. Schedule.—No. 235, Eobert McCoy; No. 73, Sess. 1., John McCleary; No. 38, Christiana Neilson ; No. 163, John Donnelly and Others ; No. 180, John Fitzpatrick; No. 157, E. McKenna; No. 185, J. K. McDonald; No. 213, William Head; No. 187, Stephen Earl; No. 52, Batrick Flynn; No. 31, Bichard Davis; No. 230, David Macartney; No. 441, J. D. Bentley; No. 454, Samuel Jenkinson ;. No. 384, William McLoughlin; No. 415, J. B. Ward ; No. 417, T. Kennedy and Others ; No. 353, John Chamberlain; No. 355, William Wheeler; No. 306, Murty Conroy; No. 354, J. C. B. Isherwood and Others ; No. 325, W. Bamsay; No. 397, Eobert Johnston; No. 79, Sess. 1., Charles. Carr; No. 85, Sess. 1., C. E. Hurst; No. 385, J. Hepburn ; No. 307, Louisa McMahon ; No. 398, Amelia Brown; No. 396, William Steen; No. 360, Walter C. Miller and Others; No. 469, B. W. Edgeworth. 16th December, 1887.

No. 111, Sess. I.—lnterim Beport on the Petition of the Manawatu Eailway Company (Limited). I have the honour to report that there has not been sufficient time to take all the evidence required; the Committee therefore recommend that the evidence which has been taken and printed be laid on the table of the House. (For Evidence, &c, vide 1.—5 a.) 21st December, 1887.

No. 116. —Betition of James McCormick. The petitioner prays that, as a perpetual-lease holder, he may receive assistance, as others have,. in the form of a house, fruit-trees, &c. I have the honour to report that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 21st December, 1887.

No. 282.—Betition of B. M. Hawkes and Others. The petitioners pray that Crown grants for certain lands in the Thames District may be issued to them as homestead settlers. I have the honour to report that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 21st December, 1887. '

No. 301, Sess. I.—Betition of John McChisney and Others. The petitioners pray for the formation of a street in the Borough of South Invercargill, which they allege to be in an impassable state. They pray that this street, which may be considered the main outlet to the lands which, as Crown tenants, they hold in Seaward Bush, may be repaired by Government. I have the honour to report that, the Government having already offered to contribute £250' towards the road in question on condition that the Borough of Invercargill or persons interested should contribute an equal amount, your Committee have no recommendation to make. 21st December, 1887.

No. 344.—Charles Denman and Others. The petitioners pray that the Kai-iwi gumfields be not leased. I have the honour to report that the matter be referred to Government for consideration. 21st December, 1887.