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No. 73.—Petition of Jonathan Mann. The petitioner states that in 1847 he leased land near Wellington. That in 1848, in consequence of a fire lit by Natives in the adjoining bush, his barn, house, and other property was destroyed. He prays for compensation.

No. 60.—Petition of Eliza Hargreaves. The petitioner states that her husband, an engine-driver on the New Zealand railways, died of disease of the heart in 1873. She prays for relief. The Committee have the honour to report that, in their opinion, these petitions do not come within the scope of their order of reference. The petitions are therefore again laid on the table of the House. 22nd November, 1887.

Land for Settlements Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have the honour to report that they have duly considered the same. The amendments made by the Committee are shown in a copy of the Bill attached hereto. 30th November, 1887.

Petitions ob Old Soldiers and Volunteers. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that, in their opinion, the petitions of old Soldiers and Volunteers and other cognate claims should be referred to Government for consideration, with the recommendation that they be dealt with on equitable grounds. 30th November, 1887.

No. 269.—Petition of Mrs. Emma Bolpe. I have the honour to report, by direction of the Waste Lands Committee, that they recommend that the above petition be referred back to the Classification of Petitions Committee, as not coming within the order of reference of this Committee.

6th November, 1887. No. 416a.—Petition of Horace Baker. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, have the honour to report that they have referred it back to the Classification of Petitions Committee, as it does not come within the scope of their order of reference. Bth December, 1887.

Land Act Amendment Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have the honour to report that they have duly considered the same. They recommend that it be allowed to proceed, subject to the amendments as shown in a copy of the Bill attached hereto. Bth December, 1887.

No. 151.—Petition of Edward Haylock and Others. The petitioners pray to be relieved from present penalty in their lease for non-payment of rent to date. I have the honour to report that the Committee recommend that the report on similar petition of the year 1886 be reaffirmed. 12th December, 1887.

No. 184.—-Petition of John McKay. The petitioner prays that, as he forfeited his homestead section under exceptional circumstances, his case may be favourably considered. I have the honour to report that the Committee have no recommendation to make. 12th December, 1887.

No. 191.—-Petition of Mary Moore. The petitioner states that she was induced to pay her own passage from England to New Zealand by the promise of Dr. Featherston that she would receive land-scrip amounting to £20. She prays that scrip to that amount be issued to her. I have the honour to report that the Committee are of opinion that the petitioner has a just claim, which ought to be satisfied. 12th December, 1887.

No. 218.—Petition of M. Leahy and other Miners and Besidents on the Wakamarina Goldfields. The petitioners pray for alteration of land-laws to facilitate mining. I have the honour to report that the Committee recommend that the petition be referred to Government for their favourable consideration. 12th December, 1887.

Nos. 387, 6, 226, and 410.—Betitions of J. H. Monteith and Others, C. W. Smith, John McKibbin and Others, and Thomas Teesdale .and Others. The petitioners pray for certain alterations in the land-laws.