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No. 3. T. H. Hodge to the Commissioner of Customs. Sir, — Currie Street, Port Chalmers, 9th June, 1886. I telegraphed to you this morning in re the Kermadec Group. I have noticed in the newspapers that some members of the Legislature fail to see the good those islands would bring by annexation to New Zealand. I know the group well. If those gentlemen had seen as much of this group as I have, they would be only too ready to annex them. There is a lagoon in the centre of Baoul, an extinct volcano; but the gigantic trees, and shrubs in full foliage, and the abundance of grass around its banks warrant me in saying that any material eruption must be of very distant date. The island will carry ten sheep to the acre, abounds in fruit, and sugar known as tea-root cane is of prolific growth. It will grow potatoes all the year round. It has five good anchorages in West Bay. There is a flat of large acreage, and^a large plantation of bananas, with plenty of water. On the north-east side there is a snug little harbour in one of the inlets, where a vessel could moor in safety, and not be seen. I surveyed the island, and have riiy itiap now before me. Macaulay and Curtis Islands are also productive, but abound in goats. I have, &c, The Hon. W. H. Eeynolds, Minister of Customs, Wellington. Thos. H. Hodge.

No. 4. The Agent-General to the Premier. Sir, — 7, Westminster Chambers, London, S.W., 22nd July, 1886. I find I have not yet sent you copy of a letter I received last month from the Colonial Office respecting the annexation of the Kermadec Islands. I beg leave now to supply the omission. I have, &c, The Hon. the Premier, AVellington. P. D. Bell.

Enclosure. Sir, — Colonial Office, Downing Street, 18th June, 1886. With reference to the letters from this department of the 20th of April and the 11th ultimo, respecting the proposed annexation of, the Kermadec Islands, I am directed by Earl Granville to transmit to you a copy of a despatch, with its enclosures, which has been addressed to the Governor of New Zealand on the subject. I have, &c, The Agent-General for New Zealand. Edward Wingfield.

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No. 5. The Agent-General to the Premier. Sir, — 7, Westminster Chambers, London, S.W., 23rd August, 1886. I transmit to you herewith copy of a letter I have received from the Colonial Office covering an extract of one from the Commander-in-Chief on the Australian Station dated 14th June, reporting that H.M.S. "Diamond" would shortly visit the Kermadec Islands, when the Queen's sovereignty would be proclaimed in the group. I have, &c, The Hon. the Premier, Wellington. F. D. Bell.

Enclosures. , The Colonial Office to the Agent-General. Sir, — Colonial Office, Downing Street, 16th August, 1886. With reference to the letter from this department of the 17th June, and to previous correspondence respecting the proposed annexation of the Kermadec Islands, I am directed by Mr. Secretary Stanhope to transmit to you an extract of a letter from the Commander-in-Chief on the Australian Station dated the 14th June, reporting that the " Diamond " would shortly proclaim the Queen's sovereignty in the group. This information will be duly communicated to the Governor of New Zealand by the earliest opportunity. I have, &.., The Agent-General for New Zealand. Edward Wingfield.

Extract from General Letter of H.M.S. "Nelson," dated at Sydney, 14th June, 1886 (No. 283). The " Diamond " was at Samoa on 22nd May, and would call at Eiji about the middle of June. I have sent orders to Captain Clayton (which should arrive there on 22nd June) to revisit Samoa and protect British and German interests. Subsequently he will return to Sydney, so as to arrive before his stock of provisions is exhausted in August, and on the way the "Diamond" will visit the Kermadec Islands and proclaim the Queen's sovereignty there.

No. 6. The Secretary of State to the Governor. Sir,-— Downing Street, 20th January, 1887. With reference to your Despatch No. 65, of the 17th of July last, I have the honour to transmit to you herewith Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom for the annexation of certain islands known as the Kerinadec Group to the Colony of New Zealand. I have, &c, Governor Sir W. E. D. Jervois, G.C.M.G., C.8., &c. H. J. Holland.