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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. 1. The Agent-General to the Premier. Sir, — 7, Westminster Chambers, London, S.W., 22nd April, 1886. I transmit to you herewith copy of a letter I have received from the Colonial Office, covering copy of a despatch addressed by Lord Granville to His Excellency the Governor, respecting the annexation of the Kermadec Islands. You will observe that the Admiralty will order the Admiral on the Australian Station to hoist the British flag on the islands and proclaim the Queen's sovereignty there ; and that when the New Zealand Parliament has adopted an address to Her Majesty praying for the annexation of the islands to the colony, steps will be taken for the issue of the necessary Letters Patent for that purpose. I have, &c, The Hon. the Premier, Wellington. E. D. Bell.

Enclosure. Sin — Downing Street, 20th April, 1886. I am directed by Earl Granville to transmit to you a copy of a despatch which has been addressed to the Governor of New Zealand respecting the proposed annexation of the Kermadec Islands. I have, &c, The Agent-General for New 7 Zealand. John Bramston.

A.-11, 1886, No. 1.

No. 2. The Agent-General to the Premier. Sir,— 7, Westminster Chambers, London, S.W., 14th May, 1886. In continuation of my letter of the 24th ultimo, No. 560, I beg now to transmit copy of a letter I have received from the Colonial Office, stating that instructions were sent to the Admiral on the 30th April to hoist the British flag at the Kermadec Islands. I have, &c, The Hon. the Premier, Wellington. F. D. Bell.


Enclosure. Sik,— Downing Street, 11th May, 1886. With reference to the letter from this department of the 20th ultimo, I am directed by Earl Granville to acquaint you that his Lordship is now informed by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty that instructions were sent on the 30th ultimo to the Commander-in-Chief on the Australian Station, directing him to order one of Her Majesty's ships to proceed to the Kermadec Islands, for the purpose of hoisting the British flag and proclaiming the Queen's sovereignty. I have, &c., The Agent-General for New Zealand. Edward Wingfield.

No. 1.