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No. 5. Dr. Buens's Eepokt on Cavebsham School. Sik, — Duuedin, Union Street, 24th March, 1887. I have the honour to transmit to you my usual annual report in connection with the Industrial school at Look-out Point. The average daily number of children residing in the school has been 132. The health of the children during the past year has been excellent; there has been no epidemic or other serious illness, and no death. lam pleased to have this opportunity of again recording my opinion of the continued excellent management of the Master and Matron. It would appear that the health of the children boarded out and residing in this district must bo equally good, as I have not been called upon to visit any of them since the end of December last. I have, &c, The Secretary of Education, Wellington. Kobekt Buens, F.R.O.S. Edin.

No. 6. Regulations for the Visiting of Industrial Schools. (Order in. Council, 13th April, 1887.) 1. The Visitors of any "Government school" established or maintained under "The Industrial Schools Act, 1882," including all persons appointed by the Minister of Education to be Visitors of such school, all Members of the General Assembly, all Judges of the Supreme Court and of District Courts, all Justices of the Peace, all Chairmen of Hospital and Charitable Aid Boards, and all Inspectors of Industrial Schools, may hold a Visitors' meeting once in every calendar month. 2. The date and place of the first Visitors' meeting for each Government industrial school shall be appointed by the Minister of Education, and notice of the same shall be given in the New Zealand Gazette at least one month before the date of such meeting. 3. At each monthly meeting the Visitors present shall elect a Chairman of the meeting. 4. At each monthly meeting the Visitors may determine the time and place of their next monthly meeting, or at any monthly meeting they may establish a rule to settle the time and place of ordinary monthly meetings. 5. Subject to the approval of the Minister, the Visitors at a monthly meeting may lay down rules affirming that business of certain kinds shall bo transacted by them at their monthly meetings, and not at any other time; and they may choose one or more of their number to exercise, on their behalf and exclusively, any powers that may bo or become necessary to be exercised in the intervals between any two meetings or between meetings generally; provided that nothing may be done by the Visitors to curtail the authority that any Visitor possesses as a Visitor under the Industrial Schools Act. 6. The Minister may at his discretion, if moved thereto by means of a resolution passed at a monthly meeting of Visitors, order that every proposal for the licensing of an inmate shall be submitted to the Visitors—or to one or more of the Visitors chosen under regulation s—before being sent to the Minister for his approval. [Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,530 copies), £0 5s Cd.]

Authority: Geobgb Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB7.