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Class D.—German (Optional). Time allowed: Three hours. 1. Give in full the pres. ind. and also the various meanings of dxlrfen. 2. Decline welcher in full. 3. Give the principal parts of treten, beginnen, gleiten, verlieren, tragen. 4. Give in full the imperf. ind. of sich bejleissen. 5. Translate—it suffices; it depends; it wearies me ;itis a question ; it concerns. 6. Translate—out of doors, backwards, close by, all around, asunder. 7. Distinguish between warm, loenn, and als. 8. Give the German for—one, the first, in the first place, of one kind, simple (onefold); two, the second, in the second place, of two kinds, twofold. 9. Decline sie, she. 10. How are passive verbs formed in German ? 11. Substantives with the prefix ge are neuter. Give some exceptions to this rule. 12. Turn the following intransitive verbs into the corresponding transitive verbs: Fallen, ertrinken, sinken, liegen, wiegen. 13. Write out from memory any short piece of poetry not exceeding 15 or 16 lines. 14. Translate into English — In Belfast fanden in der Nacht vom 13. auf den 14. ds. anlasslich eines Umzugs der Orangisten ernste Buhestorungen statt. Die Orangisten wurden von ihren Gegnern mit Steinwiirfen angegriffen und erwiederten dieselben. Der Kampf dauerte nahezu erne Stunde. Der Polizei gelang es erst, nachdem sie ansehnlich verstarkt worden war, die Menge zu zerstreuen. In einem andern Theile der Stadt fanden gleichzeitig iihnliche Buhestorungen statt, bei denen sogar Gewehrschiisse gewechselt wurden. Mehrere Hiiuser sind fast vollstandig zerstort, eine grosse Anzahl von Personen ist verwundet. Die Strassen der Stadt sind gegenwiirtig von Infanterie- und CavallerieAbtheilungen besetzt. Zwei Gendarmen und zwei Unruhestifter wurden getodtet, ferner zwolf Personen schwer verwundet. Audi in Limerick kani es zu ernstlichen Buhestorungen, wobei die Polizei,' da die Menge sich weigerte auseinanderzugehen, gezwungen wurde, von der Waffe Gebrauch zu machen. Mehrere Personen sind hierbei verwundet worden. 15. Translate into German— Have you read Goethe's poems ? Everybody admires the banks of the Bhine. The houses of the city of Paris are mostly very high. This woman is very sad because she has just lost a child. If they were not extravagant they might be very rich. I shall soon write a letter to my uncle who lives in Vienna. How few people obey the command, Love thy neighbour as thyself! Will you be so kind as to lend me a florin ? I will return it to-morrow. In summer I rise at six o'clock, and in winter at seven or even later. I knocked at the door, and somebody said, " Come in." Ido not, however, know who it was. At what o'clock did you fall asleep? I was so tired that I could not sleep for a long time. It does not seem to me that you will ever finish your work. Do you remember the name of the gentleman who called here this afternoon? It is raining now, so you had better run home as fast as you can. How far is it from London to York ? Ido not know; so you had better look in your Geography.

[Approximate Coat of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing ( 3,100 copies), £15 16s. 3d.]

Authority. Geobge Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB7.