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Class D.—Geology (Optional). Time alloioed: Three hours. 1. Give the physical characters by which the following minerals are recognized: Mica, olivine, augite, quartz, felspar, hornblende. 2. By what characters do you distinguish sedimentary (or aqueous) rocks from eruptive (or igneous) rocks ? Draw a diagram showing the characteristic features of each kind. 3. Explain the following terms : Strike, synclinal, unconformity. 4. Draw a diagram representing faulted strata, the fault not being vertical; and state the law about the downthrow of faults. 5. By what differences are cleavage, lamination, jointing, and foliation distinguished? How is each of these conditions supposed to have been produced ? 6. Give proofs of the land having been moved out of its position with relation to the sea-level. 7. Give an account of the phenomena commonly attending a volcanic eruption, and enumerate the materials emitted from the crater. 8. What are the different kinds of lava, and how are they distinguished ? 9. Give an account of the geographical distribution of active volcanoes. 10. Draw up a table of the geological periods and mark on it the first appearance of fishes, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. 11. Give as good descriptions as you can of Ichthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus. 12. Describe the origin of coal, and the processes through which the materials composing it pass until coal is formed.

Class D.—French (Optional). Time allowed: Three hours. 1. When are the participles coute and valu variable, and when invariable ? 2. In what cases is ne used before a second verb? 3. When are quel que, quels que, &c, to be used? 4. What is the difference between il est mieux and il est meilleur ? 5. What is the difference between qui and que, relative pronouns, and qui and que, interrogative pronouns ? 6. Give the disjunctive pronouns corresponding to jo, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, Us, elles. 7. Translate —the half, the third part, the fourth part, the double, the treble, fourfold, once, twice, three times. 8. Give in full the impers. verb il s'agit da. 9. When does the pronoun le remain invariable ? 10. From the following nouns form adjectives: courage, monde, aile, passage, bosse. 11. Correct the sentence, il aime et obeit a. ses parents. 12. Translate —I saw a man smoking. Smoking spoils the teeth. He spoke to me smoking his pipe. I cannot get it without going to town. On seeing his aged parent, he, &c. 13. To what is the use of ravoir (to have again) restricted? 14. The verb vouloir has two imperatives ; give them, and state the exact meaning of each. 15. Translate—l have written two exercises. The two exercises which I have written. This woman sings well; I have heard her sing. This ballad is pretty; I have heard it sung. State the reason why the participle varies in two of the above examples. 16. Translate into English— Au milieu de ces reflexions desolantes, la parole do sou vieux compagnon de captivite se fit entendre encore : " Cher monsieur, lui disait avec son accent paternel le bon vieillard, baissant la voix en courbant son front jusqu'aux derniers barreaux de sa grille pour se rapprocher, autant que possible, de celui auquel il s'adressait, si elle meurt—et elle mourra, je le crains—que ferezvous ici, seul, tout seul? Quelles occupations pourront vous distraire apres celle-la, qui avait tant de charmes pour vous ? L'ennui vous tuera a votre tour: la solitude interrompue redevient si lourde ! Vous n'y pourrez resister; c'est comme moi, si maintenant on me separait de ma fille, de ma Teresa, de cet ange gardien dont le sourire sait me consoler de tout! Quant a votre plante, le vent des Alpes vous en avait sans doute apporte le germe, ou peut-etre, en passant, un oiseau en laissa-t-il tomber une graine dans cette cour; mais, maintenant, une meme circonstance vous enverrait une autre Picciola, ce ne serait que pour renouveler le regret laisse par la premiere, car d'avance il faudrait vous attendre ala voir inourir comme elle. Croyez-moi, cher monsieur, laissez agir mes amis; flechissez enfin. La liberte vous sera plus facile que vous ne pensez.... On cite deja plusieurs traits de clemence et de generosite du nouvel empereur. Dans ce moment il est a Turin, et Josephine l'accompagne." II prononca ce dernier nom comme si la certitude du succes y etait attaehee. 17. Translate into French— In the following year the first conspiracy of Catiline occurred. The circumstances of the times were favourable to a bold and unprincipled adventurer. A wide-spread feeling of disaffection extended over the whole of Italy. The veterans of Sulla had already squandered their ill-gotten wealth, and longed for a renewal of those scenes of blood which they had found so profitable. The multitudes whose estates had been confiscated and whose relations had been proscribed were eagerly watching for any movement which might give them a chance of becoming robbers and murderers in their turn. The younger nobility, as a class, were thoroughly demoralised, for the most part bankrupts in fortune as well as in fame, and eager for any change which might relieve them from their embarrassments. The rabble were restless and discontented, filled with envy and hatred against the rich and powerful.