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7. Carefully explain r) TrclrravTa i^pd. dyetv t) TrutrdivTa 7rpo_ <pt,Xiav d<f>Uvai' 8. Give a very brief account of the character and death of Cyrus. 9. Give the principal parts of rp-xm,, Ovrja-Kai, atpe'w, and fidXXw, and write in full the future optative middle and the first aorist optative passive of Xvo>. FEENCH. 1. Translate— k peine avait-il fait quelques pas dans la rue, qu'il vit accourir son fidele Jean, dont le visage exprimait la joie. Qu'est-il arrive? lvi demanda-t-il; as-tu quelque nouvelle a m'apprendre ?— Monsieur, repondit Jean, j'ai a vous apprendre que vous pouvez rentrer chez vous. Toutes les dettes de votre pere payees, vous restez proprietaire de la maison, et vous n'avez pas tout perdu. Maintenant j'espere, mon cher maitre, que vous serez assez sage pour prendre un parti raisonnable.— Quel parti veux-tu que je prenne ?—Vendre cette maison, monsieur ; c'est toute votre fortune. Elle vaut une trentaine de mille francs. Avec cela, dv moms, on ne meurt pas de faim.—Nous verrons cela, repondit Croisilles, tout en se hatant de prendre le chemin de sa rue. II lvi tardait de revoir le toit paternel; mais, lorsqu'il y fut arrive, un si triste spectacle s'offrit a lvi, qu'il cut k pehie le courage d'entrer. II ne restait pas une chaise ; tout les tiroirs avaient etc fouilles, le comptoir bris_, la caisse emportee. Eien n'avait echappe aux recherches avides dcs creanciers.— De Musset. 2. State the rule of the past participle in reflected verbs, and illustrate by examples. 3. Conjugate interrogatively with a negative the indicative present of dire. 4. What is the usual place of the relative pronoun in the French sentence ? When is lequcl used instead of gui . Illustrate your answers by examples. 5. Translate — apropos; a tout propos ; hors de propos ; mal a propos ; de propos delibere ; a propos de rien. 6. Translate — (a.) Where are you going to-day ? I have not the least idea; it entirely depends upon the weather, (b.) I have found some money : is it yours? No; I have not lost any. Whose is it, then ? I know nothing about it. TEIGONOMETEY. 1. Prove— S_n 3A-Sin 3B = Cos2B-Cos 3A=Sin(A+B)Sin(A-B). Cos 2A-Sin 3B=Cos 38-Sin 3A=Cos(A+B)Cos(A-B). 2. Prove— Tan 15°= 2 - \/3. Tan 75°= 2+a/3. 3. Given the base c of a plane triangle, one of 'the angles A at the base, and the difference of the other sides, a — b, to resolve the triangle. 4. The circular measure of the difference of the two acute angles of a right-angled triangle is jrx: Express the two angles in degrees. _aO 5. If a horse is tethered to one of the corners of a square field, what length would the rope require to be to enable the horse to graze over a quarter of an acre (1,210 square yards) of that field ? 6. Given 6=375400-1, c=327762-9, A=s7° 53' 16"-8. Find B, C, and a. 7. The elevations of two mountains in the same straight line with an observer are 9° 30' and 18° 20'; on approaching four miles nearer, on the same. level, they have both an elevation of 37°. Find the heights of the mountains in feet. 8. Given a=2B3-4, 6=348-5, A=37° 43' 30". Find B, C, and c. ALGEBEA. 1. Explain the use of brackets. Employ them in arranging the following expression : ax + by — cz + dx —fz + gy — /. — I. 2. Define a known, an unknown, a simple, a compound, a residual, and an insulated negative quantity. Give an example of each. 3. Divide ax^ — bx^ + cx—d by x+l. 4. Find the value of a z — b 3-\-c 3 + 3abc when a=-03, 6 = -l, and c=-07. 5. Simplify 1 1 I—x I+x I—x I+x 6. Seduce " \/(a + x) m and V{a — x) 1} to similar surds. 7. Complete the squares in each of the following cases : x 2 —x, x'—lx, af — fx, z! —„• A a" x~ 2d 2 8. Extract the square root of — — 2 -\ —s+— — 2x + a 2. 1 Qj Or CO 9. Solve the following equations : — v+y =p-\ ax + by—q. j x 44 _ I~x^2~ '