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5. Punctuate the following passage, and put capitals where required : The genius seeing me indulge myself in this melancholy prospect told me I had dwelt long enough upon it take thine eyes off the bridge said he and tell me if thou yet seest anything thou dost not comprehend upon looking up what mean I said those great flights of birds that are hovering about the bridge and settling upon it from time to time these said the genius are envy avarice superstition despair with the like cares and passions that infest human life I here fetched a deep sigh alas said I man was made in vain how is he given away to misery and mortality tortured in life and swallowed up in death. 6. Correct any errors or ambiguities you observe in the following: (a.) Although tigers were known to exist in the neighbourhood, and I accompanied several expeditions in search of them, they were not successful, (b.) A painting was shown which is said to be by Murillo, and which may be the truth for all one can see to the contrary, (c.) The hardship is that one can neither speak of kings or queens without suspicion of politics or personalities, (d.) Let the storm bend the tree-tops in its course, while they cling with their roots to the swampy ground, (e.) Not having seen them for several years, her arrival caused considerable excitement. (/.) lam one of those who cannot describe what I do not see. 7. Eewrite paragraph A in a terse form, using direct terms for circumlocutions, and omitting unnecessary words ; put together the unconnected sentences in B so as to form a narrative : — A. A bed is nothing but a bundle of paradoxes. When we approach it, it is with the reverse of a feeling of willingness; yet when we leave it, it is with a feeling of regret. We come to a determination in our minds every night that we will go away from it at an early hour, but with regard to our bodies we every morning come to a determination to remain in it till a late hour in the day. [Observe and give effect to the antitheses —minds, bodies ; early, late.] B. He was walking in the street. He saw a spacious building. The open doors invited all to enter. He followed the stream of people. He found it a hall or school of declamation. In the hall professors read lectures to their auditory. He fixed his eyes upon, a sage. The sage was raised above the rest. The sage discoursed with great energy. The discourse was on the government of the passions. 8. Write not less than 25 lines on Perseverance; or, A description of a journey in any part of New Zealand.

Class E.—Exbboisb in Dictation and Spelling. Words to be dictated by the Supervisor: Catalogue, accommodate, forfeit, admissible, massacre, seventieth, besiege, deferential, cylinder, diphthong, embarrass, amphibious, descendant, agreeable, pyramid, independent, buoyancy, mistletoe, disguising, tyrannical, dissyllable, chandelier, tarpaulin, miniature.

Class E.—Arithmetic. Time allowed: Three hours. 1. Multiply the sum of three million seventy thousand and forty-eight and two million nine hundred and two thousand and fifty by their difference, and write down the answer in words. 2. A society having to raise £1,507 10s. in a year finds that a monthly contribution of 2s. 9-J-d. per head will be sufficient: what is the number of members in the society ? If 96 members decline to pay, what additional monthly contribution must be made by the remaining members ? 3. Multiply 26m. 15p. 4yd. 6in. by 17f 4. A plank of wood, 7ft. 6in. long, Ift. 2in. broad, and 1-Jin. thick, weighs 421b.: find the weight of the wood per cubic foot. 5. Find, by Practice, the value of 42ac. lr. 24p, at £2 16s. _Jd. per acre. 33. \i_ 6. Simplify—=— t^x. > anc^ n<^ e difference between fof half a sovereign and •§• of half a guinea. Af of 1 3 7. Explain the effect on the value of a number of removing the decimal point to the right and to the left. Show how to reduce the decimals -016 and -016 to vulgar fractions. 8. Eind the value of -0625 ton + -8125 cwt. - 2f of 12}lb. 9. A gallon of water weighs 101b., and a litre of water weighs 1 kilogramme. Having given that 1 litre — P76 pints, express lib. as the decimal of a kilogramme. 10. If 3 compositors set up 36 pages of type in 5 days of 8 hours each, how many compositors must be employed to set up 84 pages in 2 days of 10 hours each ? 11. Eind the simple interest on £1,272 10s. from Aug. 13th, 1884, to Dec. 20th, 1885, at 5$ per cent, per annum. 12. A grocer gains 5 per cent, on tea which he sells at 2s. 7-Jd. per lb.: what must he charge for the tea to gain 15 per cent. ? 13. The population of a State in 1870 was one million six hundred and eighty thousand, and in 1880 it was one million seven hundred and thirty-eight thousand eight hundred : find the increase per cent., and calculate what the population will be in 1890 at the same rate of increase.

Class B.—Geography. Time allowed: Three hours. 1. Explain the meaning of the following terms: Biver-basin, great circle, latitude, tropic, delta, volcano. 2. Give a brief description of the more important physical features of the South Island of New Zealand. 3. Give the names of four important towns in each of the following countries, and describe the position of each : Switzerland, Canada, Belgium, Afghanistan, New South Wales, Japan.