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Auckland— continued. Isemonger, Thomas (E). Keesing, Kate (E). Kidd, Marion (E). Mcintosh, William Nepean (E). •Murray, Elizabeth Brown (E). Nicholson, William Henry (E). Pearson, Clara Jane (E). Beid, George Bellis (E). •Bobertson, Constance Louisa (E). Byan, Arabella Colthurst (E). Scott, John Lyons (D). Smith, Catherine Smart (E). •Symons, Bessie (E). Tobin, Cecil Alexander (D). •Trimncll, Margarita Mary Sutton (E). Wilson, Henry Brougham (E). Taranaki — Cliff, Annio Evelyn (E). •Boby, Ada Maria (E). Wanganui— Espiner, George Henry (E). •Igglesden, Olive Mildred (E). Mair, Janet Law (E). Nye, George (E). Wilton, Sarah Anne (D). Wellington— Baty, Mary Alice Jane (E). •Dowdeswell, Adelaide (D). Evans, Eliza H. (E). McGowan, Elizabeth (E). Mason, Francis (E). Payne, Olivia Emma Pellow (E). Scale, Charlotte Fanny (D). •Treadwell, Laura A. (E). Marlborough— Bakewell, Frederick Haslam (D). Nelson — •Allport, Jane Harriett (D). Bakewell, Bobert John (D). Bright, Mary Elizabeth (E). Deck, Charles James (E). Gaseoigno, Mary Catherine Helen (D). Hood, Marion Carmichael (E). Humphreys, Joseph William (E). Scott, Margaret (E). GreyBromley, John Arrowsmith (E). •Polling, Mary Anne (E). Westland — •Ecclesfield, Eva (E). Williams, Sophie Martha (E). North Canterbury— •Alpers, Oscar Thorwald Johan (D). Andrew, Albert W. (D). Bishop, Martha Louisa (E).

North Canterbury— continued. •Bourke, Charles (D). •Brown, Charlotte Edith (E). •Campbell, Isabel Oinskie (E). •Clark, Ernest Henry (D). Currie, Susan (D). •Duncan, Bobena (E). •Harband, Beatrice Mary (D). •Hiatt, Sara Prances (E). Mahood, John James (D). Mayne, Arthur Jonathan (B). Prosser, Hannah Elizabeth (E). Bobinson, Sarah Lewis (E). Stirling, William (D). Wicks, Mary Bulmer (E). Wilkinson, Henry Bobert (E). Woodford, Kate Sarah (E). South Canterbury— Hamilton, Hugh Bichard William (E). Menzies, John, jun. (E). Laing, Bobert Malcolm (A). Otago— Albert, Sarah Elizabeth (E). Annett, Alice (E). Barrett, Bichard James (D). Botting, John Francis (D). •Cameron, Mary (i.) (E). Campbell, Jane (E). •Charmer, Agnes Elizabeth (D). •Cottle, Mary Elizabeth (E). •Dippie, Margaret (E). Donald, Margaret Forest (E). Poster, George (D). Gilfedder, Michael (E). Golding, Jonathan (B). Goulding, Jane Elizabeth (E). Hay, Mary Jane (E). Kelk, Henry Phillipson (El. Loudon, Mary (E). McDonald, William (E). Mackin, Prances Lily (E). •McNiokle, John Alexander (D). Mills, Maria (D). •Mollison, Barbara Archer (D). Montgomery, John B. (D). Pilling, Ewen (E). Bandle, Howard (D). •Biddell, William (D). •Boss, Annio Murray (D). Sutherland, James (E). Southland— •Jaggers, Annio Eliza Mary (D). •McLeod, Caroline (D). McNeil, Duncan (D). O'Bourke, Margaret Teresa (E). Shepard, Henry (E).

* Too young to hold a full certificate.

t Not to receive certificates until qualified for Class C.

EXAMINATION PAPERS. Class E.—English Gkammar. Time allowed: Three hours. 1. " His capacity for innocent enjoyment Is just as great as any honest man's." In the above sentence what parts of speech are " for," " just," "as " ? What other parts of speech may they be ? Write short sentences illustrating the use of these words. Parse the word " man's." What words must be added in order to fill up the ellipsis in the latter part of the sentence ? 2. Write the past tense and past participle of—climb, eat, weave, awake, swim. Give the past tenses, and distinguish between the meanings of—sit, set ; lie, lay ; fly, flee. 3. What is the force of the prefixes in the words —avert, advert, divert, revert, emigrant, immigrant, antechamber, antipathy, suppress, subordinate, supervision? Show how the words indissolubility, undergraduateship, are made up, and the meaning of each part. 4. " Yet simple Nature to his hope has given, Behind the cloud-topt hill, a humbler heaven; Some safer world in depth of woods embraced, Some happier island in the watery waste. To be, contents his natural desire ; He asks no angel's wing, no seraph's fire, But thinks, admitted to that equal sky, His faithful dog shall bear him company." Analyse the two first lines. Parse the words—"embraced," "island," "contents," "admitted," " company." Write the passage in your own words.