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Eraser was in England, some time between the months of May and September, but he is unable to fix the date more definitely. 3. I trust that your Lordship may see fit to accede to this request. I have, &c, Wm. E. DRUMMOND JERVOIS. The Right Hon, the Earl of Derby.

Enclosure in No. 66. Memoeandum for His Excellency. The Premier has the honour to respectfully request His Excellency to apply to the Eight Hon. the Secretary of State for a copy of the correspondence which passed in the summer of 1862, between the Hon. Captain Eraser and the Eight Hon. the Secretary of State, relating to certain claims of the Maoris in the Middle Island, the colonial record of that correspondence having been lost in the wreck of the " White Swan." The object of requesting the correspondence is in order that the colony may have a complete record of the papers relating to the claims. Wellington, 20th July, 1885. Eobeet Stout.

No. 67. (No. 97.) My Lord, — Government House, Wellington, Ist August, 1885. I have the honour to forward herewith a copy of a letter addressed to me by the Defence Minister, Mr Ballance, concerning the services performed by Major Cautley, R.E., in connection with the defences of New Zealand. 2. I take this opportunity of bearing personal testimony also to the good work done by Major Cautley whilst he has been in this colony. lam happy to say that the schemes prepared by him are now being carried out; and will, I trust, place the principal harbours of New Zealand in a proper state of defence. I have, &c, Wm. E. DRUMMOND JERVOIS. The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby.

Enclosure. The Ministee of Defence to His Excellency the Goveenoe. Sie,— Wellington, 31st July, 1885. Major Cautley being about to return to England, the term of his engagement to this Government having come to an end, it is my pleasing duty to inform your Excellency that this officer's services have given great satisfaction to the Defence Department, and that the work he has done in this colony is highly appreciated. In spite of many difficulties and considerable pressure of time, Major Cautley's arrangements for improvised harbour protection have been admirably carried out, and in such a manner as to suit the permanent places of fortification, which your Excellency was pleased to approve ; and in leaving New Zealand Major Cautley will take with him the good wishes of every one with whom he has been connected for his future success as an engineer officer. I trust your Excellency will be able to convey to the proper authorities the favourable view taken in this colony of Major Cautley's services. I have, &c, His Excellency the Governor. J. Ballance.

No. 68. (No. 99.) My Lord, — Government House, Wellington, 15th April, 1885. I have the honour to transmit herewith a copy of a memorandum which I have received from my Ministers, forwarding a correspondence between Major-General Steward, R.E. (with a minute thereon by Colonel Sir George Whitmore, K.C.M.G., Commandant of the New Zealand Military Eorces), concerning the remuneration to be given to Major-General Steward for his services in connection with the ordering and inspection of war material for this colony. 2. In accordance with the request of my Ministers, I beg that your Lordship, should you think fit to do so, Avill forward the papers to the War Office, with a view of obtaining from the proper authorities of that department an expression of opinion on the matter therein referred to. I luive, &c, Wm. E. DRUMMOND JERVOIS. Tlie Right Hon. the Earl of Derby.