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Enclosure. Memoeandum for His Excellency. Ministees respectfully desire to represent to His Excellency the Governor that, in their opinion, the charge for the eight converted 64-pounder muzzle-loading guns recently sent over to New Zealand might fairly be remitted, and the guns themselves kept here, on loan simply, until the new 8-inch and 6-inch breech-loading guns arrive in the colony, when they could be returned when desired. The guns in question were sent out from Home for the purpose of arming merchant shipping, and are not mounted on suitable carriages for shore defences, so that, when returned, they would still bo available for their original purpose. The total charge for these guns is £3,367 14s. 3d., exclusive of shipping charges and freight, but inclusive of sixty rounds per gun of ammunition. This latter item probably cost the £367, as the charge is said to cost about 15s. per round ; and, as the charge for freight of explosives is exceptionally large, the colony will willingly retain the ammunition. Ministers have paid the total amount in the meantime, and desire to express their deep sense of the obligation the colony owes to the Admiral for so promptly supplying the torpedoes, &c, then most urgently needed for defence. The total charge, including explosives, ammunition, and freight, is £5,084 13s. 4d., and of this the value of the guns in Sydney—viz., £3,000 —is all that His Excellency is requested to ask the Imperial authorities to reconsider. Wellington, 14th July, 1885. Eobeet Stout.

No. 64. (No. 91.) My Lord, — Government House, Wellington, 18th July, 1885. I have the honour, in accordance with the request of my Ministers, to transmit herewith copies of a memorandum, stating their views concerning New Guinea, and the proposals which they are prepared to submit to Parliament with reference to the contribution of New Zealand towards the expense of the government of that possession. 2. I have duly forwarded the memorandum to Sir Peter Scratchley. I have, &c, Wm. E. DRUMMOND JERVOIS. The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby.

A.Ac*. No. 129,

No. 65. (No. 94.) My Lord,— Government House, Wellington, Ist August, 1885. With reference to your Lordship's despatch marked " General," and dated the 20th May last, concerning the application from the Rev. J. L. Stanley for a nomination for a naval cadetship for his son, I have the honour to state that Mr. Stanley has requested me to convey to your Lordship and to the Lords Commissioners of tho Admiralty his sincere thanks for the favour that has been conferred upon him. 2. Immediately on receiving directions from Rear-Admiral Tryon, Norman Litchfield Stanley started for Sydney, t$ be examined onboard H.M.S. "Nelson." I have, &c, Wm. E. DRUMMOND JERVOIS. The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby.

A.-2A., No. 64.

No. 66. (No. 96.) My Lord, — Government House, Wellington, Ist August, 1885. I have the honour to transmit herewith a copy of a memorandum from the Premier, Mr. Stout, requesting me to apply to your Lordship for a copy of the correspondence which passed in the summer of 1862, between the Hon. Captain Eraser and the Right Hon. the Secretary of State, relating to certain claims of the Maoris in the Middle Island, the colonial record of that correspondence having been lost in the wreck of the "White Swan." 2. I understand that the correspondence referred to took place whilst Captain