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TABLE VII.—Bonuses suggested.


Articles for fhichthe Bonus a suggested. Date of Suggestion. Quantity to be produced. Amount. Suggested by Notes. Explosives— Gun-cotton Feb. 20, 1885 10 tons .. £1,000 E. Kersey Cooper, Auckland To be manufactured in New Zealand, either in compressed or granulated form, suitable for mining or engineering work. For naval torpedoes, and meeting the conditions recognized and demanded by the Royal Government Arsenal, Woolwich. To contain not less than 65 per cent, of good commercial nitro-glycerine, free from any free acids, and its absorbant to be capable of tenaciously holding not less than 65 per cent, of nitro-glycerine. To contain not less than fifteen grains of fulminate of mercury, suitable to detonate gun-cotton and dynamite mining charges. Suitable for mining where either gun-cotton, dynamite, or black powder is used. Three years at least should be given to erect and got into working order the explosive manufactories, as acid-works would have to be erected in connection with them, and the greater part of the machinery would, have to be expressly made in England. The gun-cotton plant would alone cost over £20,000, independently of the ground and the employes' houses. Claims any bonus that may have been offered for this industry. Gun-cotton (slabs or discs) Feb. 20, 1885 £1,000 Ditto ■ Any NitroGly ceri n e Compound Feb. 20, 1885 £1,000 Detonators Feb. 20, 1885 £200 .. 50,000 .. Fusa(double tape) Feb. 20, 1885 50 casks.. £200 .. 'ish-eanning Oct. 23, 1884 J. Wilson, Litchfield Street, Newton Hon. Colonial Secretary. Vide Hansard,Yol.xii., page 79 ilassmaking — 1881 Correspondence relative to it took place with E. Smethurst, Kaiapoi, 16th January, 1882; J. Ingram, Oxford, 10th February, 1882 ; memorandum by Dr. Hector, 28th March, 1882. No action was taken, as glassworks already existed in Auckland prior to the proposal to offer a bonus. Suggests a bonus for bringing gypsum from White Island, to be used as manure. Petitioned Parliament for a bonus on their works, but were refused on the ground that numerous limeburners were already established in the colony. Mr. Galwey, who had had many years' experience as an indigoplanter in India, wrote asking whether the Government would offer any inducement or assistance in introducing the culture of that plant. The application was refused. This was put as a question in Parliament. The Hon. Mr. Dick said he had looked into the matter, but could find no justification for the granting of such a bonus. J. C. Crawford, Wellington Gypsum April 22,1881 Hydraulic Lime (Mahurangi) Oct., 1884 £2,000 J. Wilson and Co., 75, Queen Street, Auckland Indigo Mar. 12, 1881 Not specified J. E. Galwey, Greenstone,West Coast Quicksilver .. 20 tons .. £500 Mr. Hobbs, M.H.R. Aug. 29, 1882 Salt Feb. 11,1885 200 or 300 tons Not specified. In addition a duty of say Jd. per lb. on imported article £1,000, and right to strip all b 1 a c k-b i r c h and other trees on railway reserve of 11,000 acres between the Upper Hutt and Cross Creek E. H. Gibbon, Ponsonby, Auckland. Tanning Extract Sept. 27,1884 1,000 tons T. Kennedy Macdonald, for the Wellington Leather Manufacturing Company of New Zealand Declined by the Cabinet.