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Ha— l6b



Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.



TABLE I.—Bonuses on Colonial Industries offered from time to time by the General Government:


Articles for which Bonuses have been offered. Date of Offer. Quantity to be produced. Amount oj Bonus. Notice of Intention to claim to be given before Bonus to be claimed before Name and Address of Claimants of Bonuses. Date of Notice. Notes. Antimony Regulus Feb. 2, 1883 250 tons, sold in a foreign market at a fair market price April 20, May 25 tons of butter or 50 18, 1881 tons of cheese Feb. 2, 1883 £500 .. Dec. 31,1883 June 30, 1884 ) ou, J.OOLapsed. Butter or Cheese (see conditions) April 20, May 18, 1881 £500 .. „ 31, 1881 „ 30, 1882 30, 1882 New Zealand and Australian Land Company, Dunedin Banks Peninsula Farmers' Club Dec. 6, 1881 Extension of time applied for and granted; fresh notice issued. Refused, as the cheese exported by the club was not made on the American factorysystem, but by the members individually. As the New Zealand and Australian Land Company was not able to comply with the conditions, it applied for the free use of the water-supply at Edendale Railway-station, in lieu of a bonus. As other notices from intending claimants of the bonus had meanwhile been sent in, the application was refused. The time having been further extended, the New Zealand and Australian Land Company again applied for the bonus, and received the £500 in June, 1884, there being two unsuccessful competitors. £500 .. May 2, „ April 13, 1882 Ditto April 13, 1882 „ 31, 1882 „ 30, 1883 30, 1883 New Zealand and Australian Land Company Te Awamutu Cheese and Bacon Factory Company Dec. 15, 1882 Potteryware .. Earthenware .. Sept. 24, 1883 30, 1884 New Zealand and Australian Land Company i Te Awamutu Cheese and Bacon Factory Company Ashburton Cheese and Butter Factory Company Oct. 29, 1883 £500 31, 1883 Nov. 29, „ Jan. 8, 1875 i £2,000 worth Feb. 15, May ' £1,000 „ 18, 1881 " ! £300 £250 .. 31, 1875 31, 1881 30, 1876 30, 1882 New Zealand Pottery and Glass Company, Dunedin Austin, Kirk, and Co., Farnley, Christchurch Dec. 12, „ Feb. 23, 1881 Lapsed. The bonus of £250 was paid to the New Zealand Pottery and Glass Company in October, 1881. Fish, Cured .. Gunpowder, Blasting and Sporting 4s. per cwt. £150 for the first 25 tons and 10 per cent, on the amount received for the next 50 tons April 20, „ Nov. 18, 1875 Not stated Mar. 19, April 75 tons 11, 1881 ; Mackley and Leijon, subsequently J. Mackley, Owake Mills, Otago i Dec, 1882 Lapsed. See special conditions. See special conditions. These terms were arranged mutually: — 1. Bonus of £150 paid 21st March, £ s. d. 1883 .. .. .. 150 0 0 2. Ten per cent, on 14 tons 6 cwt. 2 qr. 8 lb.:—Sporting, 2,046 lb., £191 4s.; blasting, 30,050 lb., £602: total, £883 4s. Paid October, 1883 .. .. 88 6 5 3. Ten per cent, on 11 tons 14 cwt. 3 qr. 8 lb.:—Sporting, 6,450 lb., £767 16s. 3d.; blasting, 42,250 lb., £968 lis. 3d.: total, £1,736 7s. 6d. Paid November, 1884 173 12 9 4. Ten per cent, on 14 tons 2 cwt. 6 lb. :*— Blasting, 31,590 lb., £723 18s. 9d. .. .. 72 7 10 i I ' Total for 75 tons £484 7 0



Iron ., Nov. 18,1872 1,000 tons £5,000 Dec. 31,1876 , June 30,1875, extended to June 30, 1876 Manager, Collingwood Goal Company, Nelson Magnus Manson, Motupipi, Nelson New Zealand Titanic Steel and Iron Company (Limited), Wellington E. Chilman, Agent for J. H. Walduek and Co., New Plymouth. Awhitu Iron and Steel Company (Limited), Awhitu, Auckland Parapara Coal and Iron Company, Nelson J. H. Coulthard, Awhitu, Auckland Taranaki Iron Company New Zealand Iron and Steel Company, Auckland No application. New Zealand Iron and Steel Company Ditto Gazetted Jan. 17, 1874 i Lapsed-Pig-iron 300 tons Lapsed. See special conditions. Feb. 1, July 18, 1882 £1,000 „ 31, 1882 Dec. 81, 1883 Wrought - iron Blooms Dec. 10, 1884 Feb. 2, 1883 300 „ 200 „ £1,000 £1,000 June 30, 1885 Dec. 31, 1883 31, 1886 31, 1884 Oct. 15, 1884 Too late. Kerosene ,. Dec. 10, 1884 Feb. 13, 1874 , 18, 1885 Jan. 8, 1875 Feb. 15, May 18, 1881 July 18, 1882 200 „ Not exceeding 50,000 gallons, in quantities of not less than 10,000 gallons at a time Ditto 10,000 gallons 10,000 £1,000 6d. per gallon .. 6d. £500 £500 June 30, 1885 Dec. 31, 1874 31, 1885 31, 1875 „ 31, 1881 „ 31, 1886 Not stated .. June 30, 1886 „ 30, 1876 » 30, 1881 No application •June 3, 1885 Not decided. Lapsed. Still under offer. Lapsed. Linseed Oil F. Singer and Co., Dunedin Dec. 28, 1881 10,000 £500 .. „ 31, 1882 „ 30, 1883 Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Auckland Mann and Co., Tauranga .. F.. Singer and Co., Dunedin Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company P. Singer and Co., Dunedin Sept. 24, 1883 10,000 £500 31, 1883 „ 30, 1884 Oct. 3, 1883 Nov. 17, 1883 The bonus of £500 was paid to Singer and Co. in January, 1884. Oilcake Feb. 15, May 18, 1881 July 18, 1882 50 tons £100 „ 31, 1881 „ 30, 1882 Dec. 28, 1881 50 „ £100 „ 31, 1882 „ 30, 1883 Singer and Co., Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, and Mann and Co. F. Singer and Co., Dunedin Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company The bonus of £500 was paid to Singer and Co. in January, 1884. Sept. 24, 1883 50 „ £100 31, 1883 „ 30, 1884 Oct. 3, 1883 Nov. 17, 1883 Manganeisen and Manganese Bronze Feb. 2, „ £2,500 worth of either, sold at a fair market price in a foreign market £1,500 worth, sold at a fair market price in a foreign market £500 . 31, „ . 30, , Lapsed. Marble 2, „ £300 . 31, „ . 30, „ * In course of payment.



TABLE I.—Bonuses on Colonial Industries offered from time to time by the General Government— continued.

Articles for which Bonuses have been offered. Date of Offer. Quantity to be produced. Amount of Bonus. Notice of Intention to claim to be given before Bonus to be claimed before Name and Address of Claimants of Bonuses. Date of Notice. Notes. Meat (exported in a frozen state) Ostriches (importation of chicks for the purpose of being reared and maintained) Paper, Printing May 18, 1881 July 18, 1882 100 tons Not less than 10 nor more than 50 £500 .. £5 per head .. Dec. 31, 1881 31, 1882 June 30, 1882 „ 30, 1883 New Zealand and Australian Land Company, Dunedin Dec. 6, 1881 Feb. 21,1884 The bonus of £500 was paid to the New Zealand and Australian Land Company in August, 1882. Too late. Lapsed. J. Matson, Christchureh Nov. 18, 1872 Jan. 8, 1875 Sept. 24, 1883 Dec. 10, 1884 Jan. 8, 1875 100 tons 50 „ 50 „ 50 „ 50 „ £2,500 £1,000 £500 £500 £1,500 Jan. 31, 1873 Dec. 31, 1875 31, 1883 June 30, 1885 Dec. 31, 1875 Dec. 31, 1874 June 30, 1876 „ 30, 1884 Dec. 31, 1886 June 30, 1876 Lapsed. Paper, Grey or Wrapping Silk (cocoons or eggs) Feb. 15, May 18, 1881 £1,000 worth 50 per cent, on value realized 31, 1881 „ 30, 1882 E. McGlashan, Dunedin .. Still under offer. The bonus of £1,500 was paid to E. McGlashan in April, 1877. Lapsed. To be paid on quantities of not less value than £50 nor more than £100, produced by any one person. Lapsed. Feb. 1, July 18, 1882 Feb. 2, 1883 Dec. 10, 1884 Nov. 18, 1872 £1,000 „ Ditto „ 31, 1882 Dee. 31, 1883 Steel .. £1,000 „ £1,000 „ 100 tons Ditto Ditto £1,000 Dec. 31, 1883 June 30, 1885 June 30, 1873 June 30, 1884 Dee. 31, 1885 June 30,1874, extended to June 30, 1876 See Iron of same date. Lapsed. Still under offer. Sugar, Beetroot Sugar (from beetroot grown in the North Island) Sugar (from beetroot grown in the Middle Island) Sugar (from beetroot grown in the colony) Sugar^(from beet or any other root or plant grown in the colony) Sugar, Beetroot or Sorghum 18, „ April 22, 1878 250 „ 500 „ £2,000 £5,000 Dec. 31, „ June 30, 1875 April 22, 1881 E. Woolfleld, Onehunga \ W. J. Cawkwell, Auckland John Davis, Dunedin 1 Samuel Begg, Napier > R. R. Hunt, Newcastle, Waikato 1 ,W. Moody, Kakanui, Otago/ Before Jan. 17, 1874 Lapsed. 22, „ 500 „ £5,000 „ 22, „ // Feb. 15, 1881 125 „ £1,000 Dec. 31,1881 June 30, 1882 May 18, „ 125 „ £1,000 „ 31, „ „ 30, „ i Nov. 8, 1884 1,000 tons Jd. per lb. See " The Beetroot Sugar Act, 1884."



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TABLE II.-Bonuses Offered and Lapsed without Applications being made.

TABLE III.—Bonuses Offered and Applied for, but Not Gained.

Articles for which Bonuses have been offered. Date of Offer. | Bonus to be claimed before Articles for which Bonuses have been offered. Date of Offer. Bonus to be claimed before Antimony Regulus }ured Fish kerosene jinseed Oil tfanganeisen and g an o s o Bronze Garble Paper .. Drinting Paper .. Feb. 2, 1883 Nov. 18, 1872 Feb. 13, 1874 Jan. 8, 1875 Feb. 2, 1883 June 30, 1884. Starch (renewed) Steel Sugar (from beet grown in the North Island) Sugar (from beet grown in the Middle Island) Sugar (from beet grown in the colony) Sugar (from beet, or any other root or plant grown in the colony) Sugar - refining, Cane Sept. 24, 1883 Nov. 18, 1872 April 22, 1878 June 30, 1884. June 30, 1876. June 30,1884. April 22, 1878 Pottcryware Feb. 2, 1883 Nov. 18, 1872 Jan. 8, 1875 Sept. 24, 1883 Jan. 8,1875, June 30,1876 Feb. 5, May 18, 1881 Feb. 1, July 18, 1882 Feb. 2, 1883 Feb. 1, 1882 June 30, 1882. Feb. 15, 1881 May 18, 1881 June 30, 1882. June 30, 1882. Silk (cocoons or eggs) )itto (renewed) .. Juno 30, 1883. March 19, April 11, May 18, 1881 Feb. 1, 1882 July 18, 1882 Juno 30, 1882. June 30, 1884. Dec. 31, 1882. Ditto Dec. 31, 1882. June 30, 1883. Starch

Articles for which Bonuses have been offered Date of Offer. Name and Address of Claimants of Bonuses. Date of Notice. Notes. Linseed Oil and Oilcake Feb. 15, May 18, 1881 July 18, 1882 F. Singer and Co., Dunedin ... These bonuses lapsed, but a precisely similar one was gained by Messrs. Singer and Co. in the following year. Pig-iron [ron Feb. 1, July 18, 1882 Nov. 18, 1872 F. Singer and Co., Dunedin Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Auckland Mann and Co., Tauranga Taranaki Iron Company New Zealand Iron and Steel Company, Auckland Collingwood Coal Company, Nelson Magnus Manson, Motupipi, Nelson New Zealand Titanic Steel and Iron Company (Limited), Wellington J. H. Walduck and Co., New Plymouth Awihtu Iron and Steel Company (Limited), Awhitu, Auckland Parapara Coal and Iron Company, Nelson J. H. Coulthard, Awhitu, Auckland E. Woolfield, Onehunga W. J. Cawkwell, Auckland John Davis, Dunedin Samuel Begg, Napier R. R. Hunt, Newcastle, Waikato W. Moody, Kakanui, Otago J. Matson, Christchurch This bonus lapsed. This bonus lapsed. Gazetted Jan. 17, 1874 Sugar, Beetroot Nov. 18, 1872 This notice having been sent in after the date specified, the bonus lapsed, there being no other application. )striches (importation of chicks for the purpose of being reared and maintained in the colony) Itarch July 18, 1882 Feb. 21, 1884 Feb. 15, May 18, 1881 J. Gibson and Co., Dunedin .. Dee. 26, 1881 Owing to the destruction of the factory by fire, Messrs. Gibson and Co. were unable to make the quantity required, and the bonus lapsed. This was an application conditional on the removal of the regulation requiring thestarch to be sent to England. This was a similar application to the foregoing one, the condition objected to being that requiring the sale of the starch. J. A. Morgan, Madras Street South, Christchurch May 9, 1881 Doc. 10, 1884 J. Fear, Hamilton, Waikato .. Dec. 23, 1884


TABLE IV.—Bonuses Gained and Paid.

TABLE V.—Bonuses still under Offer.

TABLE VI.—Bonus Payments.

* Claim under consideration.


Articles for which a Bonus has been paid. Date of Offer. Name and Address of Receiver of Bonus. Total Amount paid or claimed. Year in which Payment was made. Sutter or Cheese.. Sept. 24, 1883 New Zealand and Australian Land Company, Dunedin New Zealand Pottery and Glass Company, Dunedin Mackley and Leijon, latterly J. Mackley, Owake Mills, Otago F. Singer and Co., Dunedin £ s. d. 500 0 0 1884. iSarthenware Feb. 15, May 18, 1881 March 19, April 11, 1881 Sept. 24, 1883 250 0 0 1881. J-unpowder, Blasting and Sporting jinseed Oil and Oilcake leat, Frozen 'aper, Grey or Wrapping Sulphuric Acid .. 1 I 411 19 2 72 7 10 GOO 0 0 1883-84. 1885. 1884. May 18, 1881 Jan. 8, 1875 New Zealand and Australian Land Company E. McGlashan, Dunedin.. 500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1882. 1877. Feb. 15, May 18, 1881 Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co., Dunedin .. 1,500 0 0 1882-84. Total £5,334 6 0

Articles for which __'.._.« ~* r\*c~-. Bonuses are offered. Date of 0fferQuantity to be produced. Amount of Bonus. Notice of Intention to claim to bo given before Bonus to be claimed before Cerosene .. Feb. 18, 1885 Not exceeding 50,000 gallons, in quantities of not less than 10,000 gallons at a time 300 tons 200 tons 6d. per gallon .. Doc. 31, 1885 June 30, 1886. 'ig-iron V rough t- iron Blooms 'rinting Paper Silk (cocoons or eggs) Itarch Doc. 10, 1884 Dec. 10, 1884 Dec. 10, 1884 Doc. 10, 1884 50 tons £1,000 worth.. £1,000 £1,000 £500 £50 per cent, on value realized £300 June 30, 1885 June 30, 1885 June 30, 1885 Juno 30, 1885 Dec. 31, 1886. Dec. 31, 1886. Dec. 31, 1886. Dec. 31, 1885. Dec. 10, 1884 50 tons June 30, 1885 Dec. 31, 1885.

Year. Articles for which the Bonus was paid. Arm mnt. £ s. d. 1,500 0 0 250 0 0 £ s. d. 1877 .. Paper, Grey or Wrapping.. 1,500 0 0 1881 .. Earthenware 1882 .. Frozen Meat Sulphuric Acid 250 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 1883 .. 1,000 0 O Gunpowder Sulphuric Acid 238 G 5 500 0 0 738 6 5 1884 .. Gunpowder Cheese Linseed Oil and Oilcake .. Sulphuric Acid 173 12 9 500 0 0 600 0 0 500 0 0 1885* .. 1,773 12 9 Gunpowder 72 7 10 72 7 10 Total .. £5,334 6 0


TABLE VII.—Bonuses suggested.


Articles for fhichthe Bonus a suggested. Date of Suggestion. Quantity to be produced. Amount. Suggested by Notes. Explosives— Gun-cotton Feb. 20, 1885 10 tons .. £1,000 E. Kersey Cooper, Auckland To be manufactured in New Zealand, either in compressed or granulated form, suitable for mining or engineering work. For naval torpedoes, and meeting the conditions recognized and demanded by the Royal Government Arsenal, Woolwich. To contain not less than 65 per cent, of good commercial nitro-glycerine, free from any free acids, and its absorbant to be capable of tenaciously holding not less than 65 per cent, of nitro-glycerine. To contain not less than fifteen grains of fulminate of mercury, suitable to detonate gun-cotton and dynamite mining charges. Suitable for mining where either gun-cotton, dynamite, or black powder is used. Three years at least should be given to erect and got into working order the explosive manufactories, as acid-works would have to be erected in connection with them, and the greater part of the machinery would, have to be expressly made in England. The gun-cotton plant would alone cost over £20,000, independently of the ground and the employes' houses. Claims any bonus that may have been offered for this industry. Gun-cotton (slabs or discs) Feb. 20, 1885 £1,000 Ditto ■ Any NitroGly ceri n e Compound Feb. 20, 1885 £1,000 Detonators Feb. 20, 1885 £200 .. 50,000 .. Fusa(double tape) Feb. 20, 1885 50 casks.. £200 .. 'ish-eanning Oct. 23, 1884 J. Wilson, Litchfield Street, Newton Hon. Colonial Secretary. Vide Hansard,Yol.xii., page 79 ilassmaking — 1881 Correspondence relative to it took place with E. Smethurst, Kaiapoi, 16th January, 1882; J. Ingram, Oxford, 10th February, 1882 ; memorandum by Dr. Hector, 28th March, 1882. No action was taken, as glassworks already existed in Auckland prior to the proposal to offer a bonus. Suggests a bonus for bringing gypsum from White Island, to be used as manure. Petitioned Parliament for a bonus on their works, but were refused on the ground that numerous limeburners were already established in the colony. Mr. Galwey, who had had many years' experience as an indigoplanter in India, wrote asking whether the Government would offer any inducement or assistance in introducing the culture of that plant. The application was refused. This was put as a question in Parliament. The Hon. Mr. Dick said he had looked into the matter, but could find no justification for the granting of such a bonus. J. C. Crawford, Wellington Gypsum April 22,1881 Hydraulic Lime (Mahurangi) Oct., 1884 £2,000 J. Wilson and Co., 75, Queen Street, Auckland Indigo Mar. 12, 1881 Not specified J. E. Galwey, Greenstone,West Coast Quicksilver .. 20 tons .. £500 Mr. Hobbs, M.H.R. Aug. 29, 1882 Salt Feb. 11,1885 200 or 300 tons Not specified. In addition a duty of say Jd. per lb. on imported article £1,000, and right to strip all b 1 a c k-b i r c h and other trees on railway reserve of 11,000 acres between the Upper Hutt and Cross Creek E. H. Gibbon, Ponsonby, Auckland. Tanning Extract Sept. 27,1884 1,000 tons T. Kennedy Macdonald, for the Wellington Leather Manufacturing Company of New Zealand Declined by the Cabinet.



CONDITIONS. The following are the various conditions subject to which the bonuses mentioned in the foregoing table were offered :— Pig-iron and Wrought-iron. In the event of more than one claimant giving such notice, not more than seven-tenths of the bonus may be claimed by the first producer, and not more than three-tenths by the second producer ; but, if only one claimant becomes a producer on the above conditions, he may claim the whole of the bonus. The iron in respect of which any bonus is claimed will be examined by an officer to be appointed by the Government, who may require the production of bond fide account sales of quantities not less than 100 tons weight, showing that such iron has been sold at a fair market price as pig-iron or wrought iron. Gunpowder. The Government are prepared to receive proposals from any person willing to establish a factory for the manufacture of blasting and sporting powder. The proposer to state what amount of bonus he would require to induce him to undertake the manufacture. The place where the factory is to be erected to be subject to the approval of the Government, the plans and specifications of the building to be also approved by Government. All the internal fittings and the arrangements for carrying on the manufacture of the gunpowder to be subject to the inspection of an officer appointed by the Government. Butter, Cheese, and Meat. A bonus of £500 will be given for the first 25 tons of butter or the first 50 tons of cheese (produced in a factory worked on the American principle, and to which factory any farmer, subject to certain conditions, may send his milk), which shall be exported from New Zealand, and sold at such prices in a foreign market as shall show that the articles are of fair quality. A bonus of £500 will also be given on the first 100 tons of fresh meat exported from New Zealand in vessels fitted with refrigerating machinery. Such meat must have been collected in a refrigerating chamber in this colony, and must have been landed in Europe in sound marketable condition. Butter or Cheese. A bonus of £500 will be given for the first 25 tons of butter or the first 50 tons of cheese (produced in one factory) which shall be exported from New Zealand, and sold at such prices in a foreign market as shall show that the articles are of fair quality. Cured Pish. The exporter to enter into a bond not to re-land in the colony any fish on which a bonus has been paid. The bonus may be claimed on all fish exported between the Ist November, 1872, and the Ist November, 1879, and is to be paid out of any moneys appropriated by Parliament for the purpose. Other Industries. The first claimant of any bonus who proves to the satisfaction of the Government that he has fulfilled all the conditions to be the recipient of the bonus. The other conditions as to quantity, priority, quality, and value to be fulfilled to the satisfaction of an officer appointed for the purpose by the Government. Further information and particulars may be obtained by application at the Colonial Secretary's Office.

Authority: Geobge Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBs.

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DEVELOPMENT OF COLONIAL INDUSTRIES (FURTHER PAPERS RELATING TO THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1885 Session I, H-15b

Word Count

DEVELOPMENT OF COLONIAL INDUSTRIES (FURTHER PAPERS RELATING TO THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1885 Session I, H-15b

DEVELOPMENT OF COLONIAL INDUSTRIES (FURTHER PAPERS RELATING TO THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1885 Session I, H-15b