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Return showing the Number of Land Boilers inspected in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1885.

Return of Fees payable for the Inspection of Boilers and Machinery in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1885.

Return of Machinery inspected in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1885.


Numbe* of Portablr Boilers. Number >f Stationai Boilers. Total. Name of District. 5 h.p. and under. Over 10 h.p. 5 h.p. and under. Over 10 h.p. 5 to 10 h.p. 5 to 10 h.p. OtagO 20 117 14 83 39 90 363

Name of District. Fees payable in respect of Boilers. Fees payable in respect of Machinery. Total. , itago — Portable Stationary Machinery £ s. d. 262 0 0 374 0 0 £ s. d. 1} £ 684 s. d. 0 0 48 "O 0

Description. i '3 CD {^ ■is . 1 S3 1 || co Description. 0 * S S3 e3tg i §■§ ■§ §| CO _g i> IS- _g P* CO S Aerated water Agricultural-implement shops Bakeries Boiling-down Bone-mills Brick and tile works Breweries Cabinet-making ... Candle and soap works Chaff-cutting Chemical works ... Cooking... ... Collieries Corn-crushers Copper and brass works Coffee and spice works Confectionery Cranes ... Dairy (cheese factory) Dredgers, harbour Dredger, gold Engine-shops Flour-mills Flock-mills Foundries Fire-grate and range works Firewood-cutting... Fruit-preserving ... Gasworks 1 7 4 4 4 4 9 5 3 11 1 1 6 2 1 2 3 10 1 6 1 4 8 2 10 3 1 2 1 Hoists ... Hydraulic lifts ... Joineries Laundries Locomotives Lead-pipe works Machine shops ... Oil-mill, linseed Paper-mills Pottery Pipe works, clay Printing Pumping water ... Refrigerating works Eope works Sawmills Steam roller (road) Seed-dressing Stone-crushers Tanneries Tramway cable ... Threshing machines Traction-engine Turnery, wood ... Venetian blind ... Wool-pressing Woollen factories Woodware factories16 6 2 10 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 41 1 1 6 2 2 89 1 2 1 4 3 3 1 1 47 4 1 i