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Return showing Number of Notices given to fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery in the Wellington District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1885.

The Inspector of Machinery, Otago District, to the Chief Inspector of Machinery, 13ir, — Office of Inspector of Machinery, Dunedin, Bth May, 1885. I have the honour to forward you the annual report of inspection of machinery for the financial year ended the 31st March, 1885, for the Otago District, contained in the appended tables. In forwarding this report I am glad to be able to state that the number of accidents to life and limb reported to me are fewer in number than has been in any previous year since the commencement of the Act, there being only two, but one of these, I regret very much to say, terminated fatally. Full details are given in the table. You will likewise see that neither of these accidents was preventible. There have been no explosions of any sort throughout this district during the past year. The number of inspections made during the year were 363 boilers and 48 machinery, making a total of of 411 land inspections. • ■ At the end of March this would leave about 150 or 160 still remaining to be inspected in this district. The number of imported engines (mostly portable) of which I have received notice during the past year was 20; locally made, 11: total, 31. I am sorry to have to report that trade has been in an unusually depressed state throughout this district during the past year. I have, &c, The Chief Inspector of Machinery, Wellington. Alexander Crawford.


listrict, and D of Notice. )at te Description of Machinery. Parts required to be fenced. Wellington— 1884. April 11 April 15 April 22 Dec. 17 Dec. 22 1885. Jan. 15 Jan. 20 Bush saw-mill Bush saw-mill Flour-mill Bush saw-mill Bush saw-mill The counter-shaft. The main driving-belts of circular saws. The gearing on engine and counter-shaft. The driving-belt of circular saw. A passage between engine and bench. Tannery ... Bush saw-mill Counter-shaft and driving-belts. Mam driving-belt and saw-spindle. Maelbobough— 1884. May 20 May 31 June 7 June 9 Coal-pit ... Saw-mill ... Flax-mill ... Pumping plant The top of winding-shaft, and pump connecting-rod. The main driving-belt and pulleys. The under sides of stripping-drums. The gangway leading to pump-box. Nelson North— 1884. Aug. 18 Cutting chaff and firewood Bush saw-mill The fly-wheel of engine, and main belt. Sept. 3 The fly-wheel of engine, and three main belts. Taeanaki — 1884. Nov. 7 Bush saw-mill The fly-wheel of engine, and the counter-shaft and pulleys. The fly-wheel of engine, fence to be run all round the engine and on each side of driving-belt. Nov. 8 Bush saw-mill Hawke's Bay— 1885. Jan. 24 Jan. 28 Bridge-building Bush saw-mill Air-pump gear and driving-belts. The fly-wheel of engine, counter-shaft, and belts of saw and planing machine. The engine to be fenced all round. Hand-rail round small engine for driving electric light. Feb. 16 Feb. 17 Brewery ... Freezing-works