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Feb. 3 Penguin, s.s. .. Schooner 442 General Stranded; | anchor tempor'ly lost Stranded ; parti, loss Loss of life only Entrance channel, Nelson Harbour N.W. Strong gale Vessel touched on sandspit George Allman. 4 Thomas Russell, s.s., 2 years Lord of the Isles Schooner Stock and produce Sugar .. If to 2 miles N.W. of East Cape Island Lat. 44° 5' S., long. 72° 27' E. W. Calm .. No default on part of master Charles Frederick Helander. D. H. Shearer. 151 15 9 Schooner 1 N.W. Gale .. An A.B., Antonio Laurigge Francis, washed overboard by heavy sea on voyage from Mauritius to Wellington Chief officer, A. Stoddart, judged distance from land incorrectly. His certificate was suspended for one month, and he was ordered to pay costs of inquiry Master should not have sailed when wind was uncertain Chief officer, George Balding, who was in charge, committed error of judgment. The night was hazy, and he took no steps to determine his position. He was ordered to pay costs of inquiry Vessel having sprung a leak, master considered it necessary to run her ashore to save life . 17 Grafton, s.s., 31 years Schooner 297 Coal .. Stranded ; slight damage About a mile south of Kiourangi Point, west coast, Middle Island Calm .. Henry Edward Hill. „ 20 Mary Ann Annison, 19 years Wakatu, s.s., 6 years Barque.. Timber.. Stranded ; j total loss Stranded ; slight damage North Spit end, Kaipara entrance East point of reef off Motunau Island, Pegasus Bay Variable Light .. J. W. Carpenter. 298 10 5 , 20 Schooner 75 4 General North Light .. James Wills. March 1 Plejaden, 18 years ; Hamburg X 3/3 LI.l for 4yrs. Thomas Russell, s.s., 2 years Barque.. 356 12 Copra .. Stranded; total loss North-west side of Materakau Point, Chatham Islands Antonius Claassen. . 13 Schooner Grass seed Stranded ; total loss Oreti Point, east coast, North Island E. Light .. Wreck caused by default of master. When coming on deck midway, as he supposed, between Cape Runaway and Oreti Point anchorage, he should have ascertained his exact position before putting the ship full speed ahead. When man at lead reported 9J fathoms, master ought to have stopped and anchored. Court suspended his certificate for six months, and ordered him to pay costs of inquiry Gale caused vessel to drag while crew were ashore Loss of vessel attributable to baffling nature of wind, but master seems to have stood too near in to North Beach, when wind first headed him on his return up the harbour, before going about Vessel had to anchor, and high wind caused her to drag. Charles Frederick Helander. 151 14 „ 14 Off breastwork, Railway Wharf, Auckland North Beach, entrance to Kaipara Harbour Blanche, s.s., 3 years Mathieu, 15 years Schooner 18 4 Stranded ; parti, loss Stranded; total loss N.E. Gale .. John Pratt. . 26 Barque.. 367 10 1 Timber.. Variable Baffling Magnus Carl Magnussen. . 28 Dunedin, 24 Schooner None .. Stranded; no damage Boat - landing, inside Tewaewae Point, Bluff Harbour Gale .. Thomas Bailey. 66 W. years