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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. I 18 14-86. *t £ £ STJPEBMB COUET— eontinutd, 40 II VOTE No. 22— oontmued. Othkb Ciiakuks — Expenses of Circuit Courts .'ind Court of Appeal Pees to be refunded to Sheriffs 1,700 1,400 Total — Vote No. 22 ... 3,100 3,035 BANKRUPTCY. 1884-85. Total number of officer) ... 1I 9 8 4 5 8 7 8 8 K) 11 VOTE No. 23. SaLAIUKS — Official Assignee, Auckland Clerk Cadet Official Assignee, Wellington ... Clerk Official Assignee, Christehurch 2 Clerks, 1 at £190, 1 at £ 150 Cadet Official Assignee, Dunedin Clerk Cadet 550 lhO 80 550 150 550 340 80 550 150 80 3,260 Otkeh Chaboks — Kent, Auckland Rent, Dunedin Payments to Deputy Assignees ... 105 120 750 12 L8 :i • 075 Total—Vote No. 23 ... 4,285 DISTRICT, RESIDENT MAGISTRATES', AND WARDENS' COURTS. 1884-85. Total number of officers ... 222 1 2 3 4 5 (5 7 VOTE jS'o. 24. Salaries — Auckland — District Judge (Auckland, Thames, and Hamilton) and Resident Magistrate 2 Clerks, 1 at £300, 1 at £275... Cadet Clerk and Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court, Onehunga Bailiff Assistant Bailiff Messenger (also Stamps £20, and office of Registrar of Births &o. £15) Interpreter (also Supreme Court£50, and Native £123) PapaJcura, ALurcfn, W-aiuku, Oim/tuiiijn, and Otahuhu — Resident Magistrate (also travelling allowance £GG, ■C of oner fees) Clerk (also Registrar of Electors £25, travelling allowance £15, and Registrar of Births &e. fees) (J00 575 80 175 170 120 8 50 75 9 300 10 185