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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

Item. 1881-85. SUl'REME COX7BT. £ 1884-85. Total number of otliuers ... 38 £ I H 9 10 !1 12 1 ■) 3 4 5 6 | j VOTE No. 22. Salaries — Auckland — Registrar ... ... ... 400 Deputy Registrar ... ... ... 225 I Interpreter (also Resident Magistrate's Court £75, and Native £125) ... ... ... 50 Crier and Messenger ... ... ... 157 Clerk ... ... ... 100 New I'll/moil///, — Registrar (also District Judge and Resident Magistrate £235, and Frauds Commissioner £40) ... ... j 100 Wellington— Sheriff (also fees, and Pension £214 15s. 8d.) 50 Begistrar (also Registrar Court oi" Appeal nil) ... 400 Deputy Registrar ... ... ... 200 Clerk ... ... ... 165 Crier and Messenger ... ... ... 140 Messenger and OUice Cleaner ... ... 100 Napier — Registrar (also Sheriff fees) ... ... ... 300 Clerk ... ... ... 80 Office Cleaner ... ... ... 25 Guborne — Registrar (also Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court £250. Registrar of Electors £20, and Registrar Births &c. fees) ... ... ... 25 i:t 15 i<; 21 22 23 24 25 2C 27 17 IS li) 20 Nelson —■ Kegistrar Calso District Land Registrar £400, Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £75) ... ... ; 25 Clerk (also Clerk Land and Deeds Registry £200) ... i 10 Crier (also Bailiff Resident Magistrate's Court £150)... 30 I Messenger and Office Cleaner (also Resident Magistrate's Court £40) ... ... ... j 20 Chris tch urch — Registrar ... ... ... j 400 Deputy Registrar , ... ... ... 240 Clerk' ... ... ... | ISO Crier and Messenger ... ... ... ; 127 ! Office Cleaner ... ... ... I 50 Ilohitika — Registrar (also District Land Registrar £200, Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £60) ... ... 150 Deputy Registrar (also Clerk Land and Deeds Registry ! £100, Clerk Stamps £50) ... ... .". 25 Crier ... ... ... 10 Dunedin —■ Registrar ... ... ... 450 Deputy Registrar ... ... .., 250 Clerk ... ... ... 80 Crier, Messenger, and Olfieo Cleaner ... ... 186 Invurcarqill — Registrar (also Clerk District and Resident Magistrate's Courts £200, Registrar of Electors £25, and Registrar of Births &c. £25) ... ... 50 Crier and Messenger ... ... ... 15 Clerk to Chief Justice, Wellington ... ... 150 Clerk to Judge, Auckland ... ... ... 150 Clwirto Judge, Wellington ... ... ... "-150 Clerk to Judge, Canterbury ... ... ... 150 Clerk tp Judge, Otago ... ... ... 150 28 29 .'30 81 32 33 34 85 86 37 8* B9 5,535