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debarred from completing his survey, thinks it is only fair that the Government should advance the sum of £120 and register a lien against the two blocks, which are estimated to contain 2,000 acres. They therefore recommend accordingly. 17th October, 1884.

No. 125, Sess. ll.—Petition of Heney Ellison (No. 2). The petitioner executed a divisional survey for the Natives of the Paututu Block. The Native Land Court, to which he applied for an order for payment, declined to make any such order (the Native Assessor objecting), and advised that proceedings for recovery should be taken in another Court. ■ I am directed to report that, as the question of payment is not one m which the Government is concerned, the petitioner be informed that he has his remedy in a Court of law. 17th October, 1884.

Land Act 1877 Amendment Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Land Act 1877 Amendment Bill, has the honour to report that they have gone through the Bill, and beg to report the same with amendments, as shown in the copy of the Bill annexed. 17th October, 1884.

No. 31, Sess. ll.—Petition of George Howell and Sarah Ann Cameron. The Waste Lands 'Committee, to whom this petition was referred, has the honour to report that this petition was recommended to the favourable consideration of the Government in 1882 by this Committee, and it is now recommended that effect may be given thereto by inserting a clause in the Special Powers and Contracts Bill of this session for that purpose. 21st October, 1884.

No. 86, Sess. ll.—Petition of John E. Charlton. The petitioner alleges that he was driven from his freehold at Kawhia by the rebel Natives, his land afterwards was sold by public auction and purchased by the Government, which land has since become the Township of Kawhia. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom this petition was referred, has the honour to report that, so far as the action of the Government in purchasing the Township of Kawhia is concerned, the Committee is of opinion that Mr. Charlton has no claim-on the Government. 21st October, 1884.

No. 455, Sess. ll.—Petition of William John Harbison. The petitioner states that in 1881 he was wrongfully deprived, through the judgment of the Warden's Court in favour of one Masters, of his homestead. He prays for relief. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom this petition was referred, has the honour to report that any claim against the Government has been already discharged by the payment of £250 to Mr. Harrison. 21st October, 1884.

No. 35, Sess. ll.—Petition of James Louden. The petitioner states that his father purchased the interest in four acres of land at Whaingaroa (Eaglan), from one Johnston Beswick Wilkinson, who derived his title indirectly from one John Davis, a purchaser from the Natives, in 1842. I am directed to report that the matter seems to have been inquired into in 1858, by Mr. F. D. Dell, Land Claims Commissioner, but, as the transaction upon which the petition is framed occurred upwards of forty years ago, there is not sufficient evidence to enable the Committee to arrive at any conclusion as to the merits of the case. 21st October, 1884.

No. 471, Sess. II.; and No. 482, Sess. ll.—Petitions of Edward Beophy and Others, of Auckland ; and David McCartney, of Wanganui. The petitioners pray for grants of land in respect of military services. The Committee, in accordance with the resolution passed 16th September last, has no recommendation to make. 23rd October, 1884.

No. 289, Sess. II.; and No. 290, Sess. ll.—Petitions of Catherine Feaser and Alexander Clark. The petitioners pray for redress on account of not having means of access to their land for many years. The Waste Lands Committee has the honour to report that they cannot recommend the prayer of the petitioners. 23rd October, 1884.

No. 138, Sess. ll.—Petition of Benjamin F. Greaves. The petitioner, who leased a quarry from the Government at Mount Eden, Auckland, prays for remission of rent. The Committee does not consider petitioner has any claim on the Government. 23rd October, 1884.