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No. 41, Sess. ll.—Petition of Eobeet P. Glynn and 5 Others. The petitioners are residents of the Town Districts of Linwood, Woolston, and Sumner, and pray that endowments may be granted to each of the said places. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom this petition was referred, directs me to report that the Committee cannot recommend any grant beyond those already provided by law. 15th October, 1884.

No. 389, Sess. ll.—Petition of Eobeet and John Goedon. The petitioners, on arrival in Auckland, presented their land orders and had them registered, but neglected to fake up their land, and now pray that a grant of land may be given to them. I am directed to report that, the petitioners having failed to comply with the provisions of the Act, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th October, 1884.

No. 368, Sess. ll.—Petition of William McKeevee. The petitioner served in the Waikato Militia, and prays for a grant of land, to which he alleges he is entitled. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th October, 1884.

No. 121, Sess. II. —Petition of William Buens. The petitioner prays for a grant of land for military services. The Waste Lands Committee directs me to report that, in accordance with resolution arrived at by the Committee, and reported to the House on the 16th September last, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th October, 1884.

No. 79, Sess. II. —Petition of William Cabeoll. The petitioner, who is an old soldier, alleges that he selected a piece of land at the Bay of Islands, after having served with the 57th Eegiment. He prays that a Crown grant may be given to him for it. I am directed to report that petitioner, not having complied with the provisions of the law, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th October, 1884.

No. 143, Sess. II. —Petition of John Daly. The petitioner alleges he received scrip for land, but lost the same through his whare being burnt. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom this petition Was referred, directs mo to report that the petitioner, not having complied with the provisions of the law, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th October, 1884.

No. 378, Sess. ll.—Petition of William Henry Sceats. The petitioner arrived in Auckland in 1863: was refused a land order before leaving England because he described himself as being a clerk. I am directed to report that no valid claim has been disclosed in the petition, any which might have existed having lapsed long ago. 15th October, 1884.

No. 174, Sess. ll.—Petition of Samuel Ceickett. The petitioner states that he arrived as a Government immigrant in 1864. He received land, which he sold. He then went to reside on his son's land. This son having died, the Government sold this property, on which the father had resided for five years, to another son. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that this petition has been reported on upon several former occasions. The Committee does not see any reason for altering the decisions previously arrived at, viz., that the petitioner has no claim. 15th October, 1884. No. 83, Sess. ll.—Petition of Petee Loftus. The petitioner, who is an old soldier, prays for a Crown grant to a certain piece of land, to which he alleges he was entitled for military services. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th October, 1884.

No. 124, Sess. ll.—Petition of Henky Ellison_(No. 1). The petitioner alleges that he-undertook the survey of the Tauanui arrd Kairapirapi Blocks for the Native claimants, the cost, in the Irst instance, to be defrayed, by Government, the price to be Is. 6d. per acre. He-Vas forcibly prevented by certain Natives from completing the survey, after he had incurred expense to the amount of £120. The claims having been withdrawn from hearing at the Native Land Court, the petitioner has no present prospect of completing his survey. I am directed to report that the Committee, having in view the action of the Natives in withdrawing their lands from investigation by the Native Land Court, whereby the petitioner has been