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No. 326, Sess. ll.—Petition of C. B. Thoene and Others, Auckland. The petitioners, umbrella manufacturers, pray the House to take such action as will speedily result in the remission of the Customs' duties on all materials imported from abroad used in umbrellaand parasol-making. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that, the subject-matter of these petitions being a question of policy, the Committee have no recommendation to make. 24th October, 1884.

No. 310, Sess. II.; No. 331, Sess. II.; No. 332, Sess. II.; No. 386, Sess. II.; No. 387, Sess. II.; No. 401, Sess. II.; No. 402, Sess. II.; No. 416, Sess. II.; No. 422, Sess. II.; No. 423, Sess. II.; No. 539, Session of 1883 ; No. 540, Session of 1883; and No. 543, Session of 1883.— Petitions of James Hill and Others, W. P. Thompson and Others, G. P. Dickson and Others, John Maek and Others, J. E. Bandebson and Others, B. Honeyfoed and Others, J. Goedon and Others, F. Dye and Others, Wm. Lee and Others, J. Olive and Others, S. Cossey and Others, J. Blackman and Others, and J. Flat and Others. The petitioners pray the House to maintain intact the present free, secular, and compulsory clauses of the Education Act. I am directed to report that the Committee do not consider it necessary to offer any opinion to the House on the subject-matter of these petitions. 28th October, 1884.

No. 490, Sess. ll.—Petition of David Teed. The petitioner, vice-president of the Eodney Agricultural Association, states that a grievance exists in the working of the Sheep Act, which reqnires all ship-borne sheep to be dipped before being yarded for sale. He prays on behalf of the association that ship-borne sheep and lambs when accompanied with a " clean certificate " from the District Inspector be free from the present dipping restrictions. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th October, 1884. .

No. 444, Sess. ll.—Petition of James Linton and Others, Palmerston North. The petitioners, ratepayers of the Borough of Palmerston ..North, pray that clause 61, subsection 4, of " The Municipal Corporations Act, 1876," should be amended, so as to exclude holders of leases of borough reserves from its operations, and leave them eligible for election of Councillors. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th October, 1884.

No. 479, Sess. ll.—Petition of E. P. Coeley and Another, Christchurch. The petitioners state that they are the secretary and chairman of a meeting of the unemployed, and complain of many grievances the unemployed had to suffer whilst working for the Government, and wish to make a true statement of all the grievances under which they had suffered. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Commission appointed to inquire into the condition of the unemployed workmen in the Provincial District of Canterbury. 29th October, 1884.

No. 476, Sess. ll.—Petition of G. M. Snelson and Others (No. 4). . The petitioners, ratepayers of the Manawatu Eoad District, pray the House to so amend the Eating Act as to enable local bodies to make their own valuation in any year during the triennial term named in such Act. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 29th October, 1884.

No. 2, Sess. ll.—Petition of Edouaed Touet, Nelson. The petitioner states that he was one of the sufferers in the Taranaki war of 1860; that he was awarded compensation, part of which was paid to him, leaving a balance still unpaid of £439 14s. He asks that justice may be done to him in this matter. I am directed to report that the Committee, having heard Mr. Levestam, M.H.K., and carefully examined all the documentary evidence, are of opinion that the petitioner's claim has been fully satisfied. 29th October, 1884.

No. 4, Sess. II.; No. 43, Sess. II.; No. 62, Sess. II.; No. 83, Sess. I.; No. 91, Sess. II.; No. 92, Sess. II.; No. 93, Sess. II.; No. 94, Sess. II.; No. 95, Sess. II.; No. 96, Sess. II.; No. 97, Sess. II.; No. 98, Sess. II.; No. 99, Sess. II.; No. 100, Sess. II.; No. 101, Sess. II.; No. 102, Sess. II.; No. 103, Sess. II.; and No. 119, Sess. ll.—Petitions of A. J. levine and Others, Jane Williams and Others, Saeah Thomas and Others, Anne Deavoll and Others, Annie Mills and Others, Saeah Bennett and Others, Sakah Stokes and Others, Letitia M. Noeth and Others, Louisa Teenwith and Others, Jessica Elbaedale and Others, Haeeiet E. Stonese and Others, Charlotte Bailey and Others, Maey Anne Gittos and