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Others, Jane A. Tubnbull and Others, Maey Smith and Others, Eleanor Ballans and Others, Jane Someeville and Others, and Salome Pickett and Others. The petitioners pray that the House will pass a Local Option Extension Act, giving all women of mature age the power to vote. I am directed to report that the Committee do not consider it necessary to offer any opinion to the House on the subject-matter of these petitions. 29th October, 1884. *

No. 10, Sess. I.; No. 14, Sess. I.; No. 20, Sess. I.; No. 49, Sess. I.; No. 82, Sess, I.; No. 84, Sess. I.; No. 85, Sess. I.; No. 86, Sess. I.; No. 87, Sess. I.; No. 88, Sess. I.; No. 89, Sess. I.; No. 90, Sess. I.; No. 91, Sess. I.; No. 96, Sess. I.; and No. 108, Sess. I.—Petitions of M. B. Peck and Others, C. Bieeell and Others, F. Babbowman and Others, J. Moeeish and Others, E. Pitt and Others, M. J. Eichabdson and Others, E. Lee and Others, G. Dee and Others, J. Ulbbidge and Others, J. Maetin and Others, E. Claek and Others, E. Haeeison and Others, W. T. Chapman and Others, J. Hoskins and Others, and B. O'Connoe and Others. The petitioners pray that the House will pass into law the Local Option Extension Act introduced by Mr. M. W. Green, M.H.E. I am directed to report that the Committee do not consider it necessary to offer any opinion to the House on the subject-matter of these petitions. 30th October, 1884.

No. 161, Sess. II.; No. 162, Sess. II.; No. 228, Sess. II.; No. 279, Sess. II.; No. 280, Sess. II.; No. 489, Sess. II.; No. 498, Sess. II.; No. 506, Sess. II.; No. 521, Sess. II.; No. 524, Sess. ll.—Petitions of J. E. Teollope and Others, E. Eandle and Others, A. Jameson and Others, M. Jones and Others, A. J. Dallow and Others, L. Geipfin and Others, C. Beidgman and Others, H. C. Snow and Others, J. Bowie and Others, and G. W. J. Spence and Others. The petitioners pray that the House will pass a Local Option Extension Act, giving women power to vote. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that it is not necessary for them to offer any opinion to the House on the subject-matter of these petitions. 30th October, 1884.

No. 157, Sess. II.; No. 229, Sess. II.; No. 241, Sess. II.; No. 242, Sess. II.; No. 243, Sess. II.; No. 244, Sess. II.; No. 245, Sess. II.; No. 264, Sess. II.; No. 268, Sess. II.; No. 276, Sess. II.; No. 277, Sess. II.; No. 278, Sess. II.; No. 315, Sess. II.; No. 346, Sess. II.; No. 347, Sess. II.; No. 348, Sess. II.; No. 361, Sess. II.; and No. 362, Sess. ll.— Petitions of John H. Scott and Others, J. Edson and Others, W. Hogg and Others, E. J. Matthews and Others, A. C. W. Millae and Others, S. Coombes and Others, S. Macfaelane and Others, J. Lilewall and Others, C. B. Stone and Others, A. M. McCallom and Others, T. McKenzie Feazee and Others, E. P. Bavin and Others, S. Geipfiths and Others, T. Peost and Others, J. B. Sayees and Others, T. Cooke and Others, J. Fletchee and Others, and E. Goodison and Others. The petitioners state that they are convinced that only elected Committees under the Licensing Act can give general satisfaction. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that it is not necessary for them to offer any opinion to the House on the subject-matter of these petitions. 31st October, 1884.

No. 518, Sess. II.; No. 519, Sess. II.; No. 525, Sess. 11. —Petitions of John McKay and Others, Otago; Petbb Mallon and Others, Gore; and P. A. Luck and Others, Kihikihi, Waipa. The petitioners, Eoman Catholics, ask that their schools may be placed on an equality with the other schools of the colony. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that it is not necessary for them to offer any opinion to the House on the subject-matter of these petitions. 31st October, 1884.

No. 485, Sess. II.; No. 486, Sess. II.; No. 503, Sess. II.; and No. 517, Sess. ll.—Petitions of G. B. Inglis and Others, P. McGill and Others, J. Clabk and Others, and A. Best and Others. The petitioners, residents of the colony, pray the House will so amend the Education Act as to provide for the daily reading of the Scriptures in all the public schools of the colony. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that it is not necessary for them to offer any opinion to the House on the subject-matter of these petitions. 31st October, 1884.

No. 530, Sess. ll.—Petition of J. W. King, Auckland. The petitioner states that he is the oldest English native of the Colony of New Zealand, and prays that some provision may be made for him in his old age. I am directed to report that the Committee have no recommendation to make 4th November, 1884,