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6. What are the various modes of producing artificial freezing? Describe in detail the method by means of expansion of air 7 What are the two specific heats of gases ? Which is the greater ? State why it is so. 8. Describe all the changes of energy that take place when a cannon is fired. 9. If 101b. of water at 30° C. be mixed with 1 lb. of steam at 100° C. and 5 lb. of ice at 0° O, what will be the resultant temperature ? 10. Describe the theory of exchanges. A piece of red glass is brought to the temperature of white heat describe its appearance both in and out of the furnace.

Class D. —Botany (Optional). Time allowed Three hours 1. Describe the principal inflorescences in flowering plants, illustrating your remarks with diagrams. 2. Describe a typical vegetable cell and its contents. 3. Describe the structure of a perfect dicotyledonous leaf, and define scales and bracts. 4. Explain the terms Hypogynous, perigynous, epigynous, epipetalous, syngenesious. 5. Give an account of the movement of water in plants. 6. Describe the different ways in which a carpel, or carpels, form ovaries. 7 What is the meaning of " Phyllotaxis f"? 8. Describe the flower in Violet, apple, veronica, hyacinth, gladiolus, grass. 9. Describe some of the phenomena caused by geotropisin and by heliotropism respectively

Class D.—Geology (Optional). Time allowed Three hours. 1. What are the names and compositions of the commonest minerals found in rocks? 2. What is mica-schist ? How was it formed ? 3. Mention all the kinds of'eruptive (igneous) rocks you know, and describe them. 4. Explain the origin of ordinary compact limestone, and of chalk , giving reasons for your opinion. 5. Explain what is meant by a " fault." 6. What is meant by cleavage in rocks ? Compare it with cleavage in minerals. 7 Give a list of the periods into which geological time is divided. 8. Describe the structure, origin, and movements of a glacier 9. Explain the origin of river terraces.

Class D.—Feench (Optional) Time allowed . Three hours 1. Translate into French—Henry the First, Henry the Second, Henry the Third; August the first, August the second, on the third of August. 2. Translate also—Ten minutes past five, a quarter past five, half-past five, a quarter to six,, five minutes to six. 3. What is the gender (in French) of metals? Support your statement by three examples.. 4. Give the plural of Clin d'ceil, franc-macon, oiseau-mouche, avant-poste, monseigneur 5. Give the possessive adjective pronouns (conjunctives) and the possessive substantive pronouns (disjunctives) for both genders and both numbers. 6. Give the meanings of La champ, le chant; le cceur, le chceur, Ie jeune, jeune, la tante, la tente , la voie, la voix. 7 Translate into French—An iron-mine, a windmill, the rabbit-man, the cream-jug, the greyhaired man. 8. Translate into French-—He who, she who, they who (mas.), they who (fern.) 9. Translate also—He is speaking about him. Have you your keys about you ? I shall be here in about an hour Do not always have him about you. 10. Translate also—These cherries are sixpence a pound. This muslin is a shilling a yard. Coals are half-a-crown a hundredweight. 11. The passive voice is much less used in French than in English in what way should one express ones-self to avoid the passive in French ? 12. Translate into French—Half an hour, an hour and a half. You will catch cold if you go bare-footed. Her feet were bare. The late Queen was much respected. (Translate this last sentence in two ways.) 13. Write out in full interrogatively the future simple of s'en souvenir, using est-ce-gue. 14. Write out in full the present indicative of se flatter negatively 15. Write out the third person singular of every tense, simple and compound, of s'etendre. 16. Write out the preterite definite of cueillir 17. Give the past participle of the following verbs. Parcourir, consentir, revetir, interdire, feindre, complaire, dissoudre, extraire, repailre, imoudrc. 18. Voild de jolis enfants, je les ai vus jouer La piece que fed vu jouer In the above examples, explain why in the one instance the past participle vu varies, and in the other it does not. 19. Explain the difference between savoir and connaltrc. 20. Put the proper preposition (if any is required) after the following verbs Penser (to think), rire (to laugh at), oser (to dare), aider (to assist in), offrir (to offer to).