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A.-l, No. 20.

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of the 28th of November last, enclosing a memorandum signed by the Premier of New Zealand, respecting the conferring of degrees in science by the New Zealand University. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government DEEBY. of New Zealand.

No. 31. The Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor. (New Zealand, No. 6.) Sir, — Downing Street, 23rd January, 1883. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 98, of the Ist ultimo, transmitting a petition from Thomas Butler, of Nelson, formerly Superintendent o£ the lunatic asylum there, and to request that you will cause Mr. Butler to be informed that I am unable to give him any other answer than that returned by my predecessors, that the matter is entirely within the competence of the local Government, and is not one in which the Secretary of State can interfere. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government, DEEBY. New Zealand.

No. 32. The Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor. (New Zealand, No." 7.) Sir, — Downing Street, 24th January, 1883. I have the honour to inform you that Her Majesty will not be advised to exercise her power of disallowance with respect to the following Acts of the Legislature of New Zealand, transcripts of which accompanied your Despatch No. 77, of the 6th of October last, addressed to my predecessor, viz.:—

No. 1. "An Act to apply a Sum of Money out of the Public Account to the Service of the Year ending the Thirty-first day of March, One thousand eight hundred and eighty-three ; " No. 2. "An Act to amend ' The Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, 1881;' " No. 3. "An Act to apply a Sum of Money out of the Public Account to the Service of the Year ending the Thirty-first day of March, One thousand eight hundred and eighty-three ; " No. i. "An Act to amend 'The Trade Marks Act, 1866;'" No. 7. "An Act to apply a Sum of Money out of the Public Account to the Service of the Year ending the Thirty-first day of March, One thousand eight hundred and eighty-three ; " No. 9. "An Act to amend ' The Vagrant Act, 1866 ;' " No. 10. "An Act to amend ' The Dog Eegistration Act, 1880;'" No. 11. "An Act to amend ' The Railways Construction and Land Act, 1881;' " No. 12. " An Act to amend ' The Sheriffs Act, 1858 ;' " No. 13. "An Act to apply a Sum of Money out of the Public Account to the Service of the Year ending the Thirty-first day of March, One thousand eight hundred and eighty-three ; " No. 14. "An Act to authorize Local Governing Bodies to appropriate Funds and to levy Rates for the Destruction of Sparrows or other Birds injurious to Crops;" No. 15. "An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Justices of the Peace ; " No. 16. "An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Stamp Duties, and to provide for the Collection, by means of Stamps, of Fees payable in the various Departments of the Public Service ;" No. 17. " An Act relating to the Children of Naturalized Persons, and the Charge for Letters of Naturalization ; " No. 18. "An Act to further amend 'The Patents Act, 1870;'" No. 19. " An Act to provide for the Protection of Telegrams from beyond the Colony of New Zealand;"

No. 20. "An Act to extend and regulate the Liability of Employers to make Compensation for Personal Injuries suffered by Workmen in their Service ; " No. 21. "An Act to regulate the Liability of Gas Companies and Consumers of Gas in New Zealand; " No. 22. " An Act to amend ' The Public Health Act, 1876;'" No. 23. " An Act to amend ' The Public Offenders' Disqualification Act, 1867 ;' " No. 24. "An Act for awarding Costs in certain Cases of Private and Local Bills; " No. 25. "An Act to amend and consolidate the Laws relating to the Care, Custody, and Education of Children in Industrial Schools ; " No. 26. "An Act to extend the Operation of the Laws relating to Mining Districts to all Public Reserves and Endowments set apart for Public Bodies situate within such Districts ; " No. 27. "An Act to amend ' The Native Land Court Act, 1880,' and other Acts relating to Native Land; " No. 28. " An Act to provide for Division of Native Land ; " No. 29. "An Act for the Constitution of the Supreme Court of the Colony of New Zealand ; " No. 30. " An Act to establish a Court of Appeal forjthe Colony of New Zealand; " No. 81. "An Act for the Amendment of the Law; " No. 32. " An Act to provide for the Administration of the Criminal Law in certain cases; " No. 33. "An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Prisons; " No. 34. "An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Lunatics ; " No. 35. " An Act for consolidating the Law relating to the Incorporation, Regulation, and Winding-up of Trading Companies and other Associations ; " No. 36. "An Act to consolidate the Law relating to Eriendly and other Societies ; " No. 37. "An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Public Works; " No. 38. "An Act to afford Facilities for Private Tramways ;" No. 39. "An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Public Cemeteries and other Burialgrounds ;" No. 40. " An Act for regulating the Making and Levying of Rates;"