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Eeply, A.-1, No. 28,


No. 28. The Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor. (New Zealand, No. 2.) Sir,' — Downing Street, 13th January, 1883. I have the honour to transmit to you, for the consideration of your Government, a copy of a letter which has been received at the War Office from Mr. William Cox, who states that he served through the first Maori war, and who appears to claim a grant of land on account of his military services in New Zealand. I request that I may be favoured with a report on the subject of this application, and that you will cause the applicant to be informed of the action taken on his letter. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government DEEBY. of New Zealand.

Enclosure. Mr. Cox to the War Office. To the Honourable War Office. Christchurch, 3rd November, 1882. The New Zealand Government appointed a Commission to inquire into the claims of military, naval, and local forces for services in war. I made application, but received no answer; and there have been but two claims granted, both militiamen, in this Province of Canterbury. Men who have served in the local forces have a great advantage, as their officers live in the Colony. There is none of the officers under whom I served in this Colony to substantiate my claim. I would thank your honourable War Office to do so. I may here state where I served, as the grounds for my claim. I went from Auckland to Bay of Islands in April, 1845. I was present before Maori pa on Bth May, 1845, Colonel Halnie, 96th Eegiment, in command; was present before Maori pa on Ist, July, 1845, Colonel Despard, 99th Eegiment, in command; was present before Maori pa on 11th January, 1846, Colonel Despard, 99th Eegiment, in command. I served through the first Maori war; was to the close at Wanganui, under the command of Colonel McCleverty, who commanded the Southern District in the latter part of 1847. I enlisted on the 10th December, 1836, and was discharged on 31st October, 1848. Eeg. No. 890. Eeceived medal from War Office. Hoping you will look favourable on this letter, I have, &c, William Cox, Late Corporal 58th Foot. Address—William Cox, North Street, St. Albans, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.

No. 29. The Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor, (New Zealand, No. 3.) Sir, — Downing Street, 16th January, 1883. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 86, of the 4th November last, forwarding a packet of candidates' papers in connection with the B.A. examination of the University of London, and to transmit to you a copy of a letter, with its enclosure, from the Eegistrar of the University on the subject. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government DEEBY. of New Zealand.

Enclosure. The University of London to the Colonial Office. Sir, — University of London, Burlington Gardens, W., sth January, 1883. With reference to the B.A. examination recently held at Dunedin, New Zealand, in connection with this University, I have the honour to report that the candidate who presented himself thereat, No. 37, Mr. William Butler Williams, has passed in the first division. I enclose a few pass-lists, for transmission to the centre of examination : and remain, Arthur Milman, Sir E. G. W. Herbert, &c. Eegistrar.

No. 30. The Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor. (New Zealand, No. 5.) Sir,— Downing Street, 22nd January, 1883. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, No. 95,