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James 0. G-avin, Treasury, Secretary to the Treasury. "Wellington, 24th April, 1883. James B. Heywood, Accountant to the Treasury. Examined and found correct. James Edwaed EitzGeeai_d, Controller and Auditor-General.

~By Authority: Q-bokge Didsbtoy, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB3.


s. £ s. d. s. Public Works Fund. Fob Services Not Provided eoe:— Railways .—- James Henderson, services as Assessor for the Crown in the case of G. H. Moore v. the Crown ... Royal Commission on the Middle Island Main Trunk Line, — Travelling allowances and expenses Reporters Advertising ... Secretary's salary and travelling allowance Miscellaneous 10 10 0 -V ». U. 320 14 10 69 18 0 19 19 9 76 17 6 27 5 5 525 5 6 514 15 6 Foe Seevices in Excess oe Votes : — Final Charges. Class II. Public Works, Departmental,— Vote 69. Head Office, North Island 124 8 4 70. Head Office, Middle Island 267 7 0 Class IX. Telegraph Extension, — Vote 109. Telegraph Extension ... Class X. Public Buildings,— Vote 116. Quarantine Stations ... 295 17 7 Advances. 80 0 0 Total. 204 8 4 267 7 0 6,844 19 6 6,844 19 6 295 17 7 £687 12 11 6,924 19 6 7,612 12 5 Total Public Works Fund £8,137 17 11 Government Insurance Account. Fob Seevices in Excess oe Items :— No. 1. Salaries 2. Expenses 1,456 1 11 2,196 7 6 £3,652 9 5 SUMMARY. Consolidated Fund Public Works Fund Government Insueance Account ... 77,795 8 7 8,137 17 11 3,652 9 5 £89,585 15 11