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Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,473 15 8 £ s. d. Consolidated Fund— continued. LAND FUND ACCOUNT. Payments made as advances in respect of rates payable under " The Crown and Native Lands Rating Act, 1882 :" — Tauranga County ... ... ... 160 0 0 Westland County ... ... ... 1,000 0 0 Sawera County : — Subsidy of 10s. in the pound for year, to 31st March, 1880 ... ... ... £129 16 10 Subsidy of 10s. in the pound for year, to 15th March, 1882 ... ... ... 93 11 9 1,160 0 0 223 8 7 1,383 8 7 DEPOSIT ACCOUNT. Canterbury Surplus Land Revenue : — Arrear Surveys,— Salaries Equipment and wages ... Contingencies ... 3,273 17 6 2,080 17 6 387 11 3 Total for Services not provided for 5,742 6 3 11,599 10 6 ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT. Advances. Total. Fob Seevices in Excess op Votes : — Final Charges. Class II. Colonial Secretary, — Vote 5. Electoral 9. Agent-General ... 459 1 11 10. Charitable ... ... 9,756 14 4 12. Printing and StationeryClass III. Colonial Treasurer, — Vote 15. Treasury ... ... 0 4 2 17. Miscellaneous ... 6,064 13 8 Class IV. Minister of Justice, — Vote 22. Resident Magistrates'and Wardens' Courts ... 789 8 8 23. Criminal Prosecutions ... 1,763 4 6 24. Coroners ... ... 557 0 5 27. Miscellaneous ... 12 10 2 Class V. Postmaster-General, &c, — Vote 29. Chief and Sub-Offices ... 569 5 3 30. Maintenance, Repairs, &c. 6,474 12 6 32. Conveyance of Mails by Sea ... ... 2,837 10 6 33. Conveyance of Inland Mails ... ... 476 13 7 Class VI. Commissioner of Customs,— Vote 37. Miscellaneous... ... 54 17 2 Class VII. Commissioner of Stamps, — Vote 38. Stamp Department ... 1,322 19 5 39. Land and Deeds Registry 932 1 4 Class VIII. Minister of Education, — Vote 43. Industrial Schools ... 168 1 0 Class IX. Minister of Native Affairs, — Vote 47. Native Land Court Class XI. Minister for Public Works, — Vote 52. Working Railways Department ... ... 4,516 14 1 54. Government Domains ... 22 8 10 Class XII. Minister of Defence, — Vote 57. Militia and Volunteers... 36 5 3 315 19 8 7,013 16 0 145 0 9 48 16 10 4,948 2 0 36 5 3 459 1 11 10,072 14 0 7,013 16 0 0 4 2 6,209 14 5 789 8 8 1,812 1 4 557 0 5 12 10 2 569 5 3 11,422 14 6 449 16 1 3,287 6 7 476 13 7 54 17 2 409 9 9 258 9 0 1,732 9 2 1,190 10 4 168 1 0 542 1 6 542 1 6 13,030 14 8 17,547 8 9 22 8 10 654 7 2 654 7 2 36,778 1 6 27,852 18 8 64,531 0 2 LAND FUND ACCOUNT. *■ Foe Seevices in Excess oe Votes : — Class XIII. Minister of Lands and Mines, — Vote 61. Crown Lands Department 1,529 17 11 35 0 0 66,195 18 1 1,564 17 11 £38,307 19 5 27,887 18 8 Total Consolidated Fund £77,795 8 7