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We sent a petition last year to the Parliament for the Government Proclamation to be effectually fixed until the whole district of Botorua had been investigated by the Court, and each hapu had been awarded its own particular piece, so that any sales or leases throughout Botorua might be carried out on clear principles, and facilities given for the construction of railroads and other European public works in this Island. With regard to that part of their petition which alludes to the question of Government moneys having been paid over certain portions of Botorua, that should be left in abeyance just now. It was your own public officers who advanced those moneys to Ngatitura and some of ourselves. However, those moneys can be carefully considered after all those lands have been adjudicated upon by the Court. At present do you oppose the petition of Butene and others, and uphold our objections. From your loving friends, Petera te Pukuatua, and four others.

Kia ta Hori Kerei, kei Te Kawau. Ohinemutu, Botorua, Mci 28, 1883. E pa tena koe te matua aroha o nga Iwi c rua o tenei Motu te taanga manawa mo nga tangata katoa c akina ana c te mate. Kua rongo matou tena kua tae atu ki a koe te tahi pitihana kite Paaremete na Butene Te Umanga me ona hoa c 207. E mea ana kia wetekia te here ote Ture Ngaawha c here nei i to matou takiwa na he whakaatu tenei na matou kia koe i to matou tino whakaaro mo taua Ture, kaore matou c pai kia wetekia taua here i naianei no te mea he tino oranga mo matou me o matou tamariki taua here ko taua waahi whenua o matou kaore ano i oti te whakawa. He maha nga iwi c tautohe ana a he maha hoki nga pakeha c akiaki ana ki a hokona aua whenua na taua Ture anake i kore ai te raruraru o to matou takiwa katoa me titiro hoki kite mahi c mahia mai nei i Keemureti. Na te hoko pohehe noa iho ote whenua i mua ote whakawa taua tv mahi o te whakaputa raihana o te kai waipiro te utu roia te aha te aha noa atu o aua tikanga horo whenua a nga Kamupene apiti atu ki aua ahua tangata Maori ara ki a Butene Te Umanga me ona hoa ma hoki kua pau noa atu ta ratou whenua a Patetere i runga i tenei mahi kino a ratau a c huri mai ana o ratau kanohi ki tenei whaitua he tahae i to matou whenua. E hara i a matou na ia Ngatiwhakaue me te Arawa katoa taua pitihana. E ngari na Butene o Ngati Baukawa me ona hoa kamupene horo whenua o Keemureti taua pitihana na te mea kua tae noa atu ta matou pitihana kite Paremata i tera tau ki a tino pumau te here o te Kawanatanga, a tae noa kite tino oti o te whakawa o te takiwa katoa o Botorua kiia hapu kiia hapu tana piihi tana piihi ki a marama ai te hoko te reti o nga whenua o Botorua me ona mahi katoa, me te reriwe me era atu mahi nunui a te pakeha i tenei motu. Ko nga kupu o taua pitihana mo nga moni a te Kawanatanga i runga i etahi waahi o Botorua me waiho marire. Na o apiha ano aua moni i whakaputa ki a Ngatitura me tehi tangata o matou. A tera ka whakaarohia taua moni i te wa c oti ai te whakawa o aua whenua ko tenei whakakorea atu te pitihana a Butene ma kia mana mai i a koe ta matou whakahe mo taua pitihana. Na o hoa aroha, — Petera te Pukuatua. Paora te Amohau. Ngahuruhuru. Otira na Ngatiwhakaue katoa. Taupua.

No. 3. Wi Matenga te Waharoa to Hon. Mr. Bolleston. To Mr. Bolleston : Greeting. Wellington, 27th June, 1883. I, Wi Matenga te Waharoa, am authorized by my hapu, the Ngatirangiwewehi, to act on their behalf in Wellington with regard to any petitions that may be presented to Parliament praying for the removal of the restrictions imposed by the Thermal-Springs Act upon land at Botorua. My people instructed me to oppose such petitions, and to make known to the Committee and the Government their wish that the Thermal-Springs Act should be allowed to remain in force, as they (the petitioners) and we all know that this Act will prove beneficial to us and to our descendants. That is all from Wi Matenga te Waharoa.

No. 4. Te Pukuatua and Others to the Government. (Telegram.) Ohinemutu, 3rd July, 1873. To the Premier and the Members of the Government. Do you keep "The Thermal-Springs Districts Act, 1881," in force. Te Pukuatua Korokai. Te Amohau te Uremutu. Te Whanoa and all Ngatiwhakaue.

Authority: George Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB3.