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Xi nga Mema o te Paramete o te Whare o runga me te Whare o raro c noho huihui mai nei. He Bitihana Inoi tenei na matou kia koutou. He mate nui to matou mo a matou whenua i mahia kinotia c te Kawanatanga, na ka whakaaro matou me rapu atu ano kite Kawanatanga katahi matou ka tuku i te pukapuka nei ki nga Minita tokorua, ara, koia tenei. Botorua, Mci 1, 1883. Xi a te Paraihe Minita mo te taha Maori raua ko te Boretana Minita mo te taha whenua kei Poneke. E Hoa ma tena korua, He kupu atu ta matou kia korua otira kite Kawanatanga kanui to matou mamae monga mahi ate Kawanatanga c rara nei o matou whenua. E rua o matou mate ko te panui a te Kawanatanga mo nga whenua c kiia ana he whenua Ngaawha kua kumea rawatia c te Kawanatanga tana rohe ki nga whenua tawhiti e4O pea macro te mataratanga atu i aua Ngaawha. I whakaae ano matou kite Tikanga a te Penetana kia tohungia nga Ngaawha me nga Puia me nga Waiariki. Na, kua oti marire taua wahi te ruuri ka tae ano pea kite 3,000 eka kahore matou i mohio ka waiho taua tikanga hei kohuru i a matou hei whakamate i o matou whenua Papatupu tae noa ki o matou Ngaherehere me nga Maunga me nga Pakihi. Kua rongo matou ki nga kai wea, ko nga whenua c pau ana ki roto ki taua rohe Potae c tae ana kite 600,000 eka nuku atu ranei. Na ka whakaaro matou he mahi he rawa tenei na te Kawanatanga. No te mea ki ta matou mahara kihai i penei te whakaaro o te Paramete ko ta te Paramete he tiaki ia matou ko ta koutou ko ta te Kawanatanga he kohuru ia matou. Ko to matou mate tuarua ko tenei katahi nei matou ka rongo kua mahia c te Kawanatanga tetehi rohe potae ano mo a motou whenua i runga ite ture hoko. He mea ano kia hokona atu kite Kawanatanga kia kaua c hokona c riihitia ranei c matou kite pakelia, kua rongo matou ki tetehi pukapuka i tuhia atu c Meiha Hakihana, kia te Paraaihe Minita. He tono kia whakaaturia mai c ia nga moni tamana a te Kawanatanga i runga i aua whenua ara, ko Opohutu ko Okoheriki ko te Barua ko Patetere no. 2. ko te Tatua ko te Bawhiti. He tono hoki kia whakaaturia mai nga ingoa o nga tangata ia ratou aua moni me te ingoa ote apiha Kawanatanga nana i tuku. Na whakahokia mai ana etc Baraihe kite kupu nei. Kahore ia c whakaatu mai, te take c mohio katoa ana aua tangata nona aua whenua ki aua moni. Koia matou i whakaatu ito matou mate kite Kawanatanga. Kahore hoki matou i mohio na wai ranei aua moni i tango na wai ranei. Kahore matou c mohio ko ewhearanei nga whenua i tamanatia ko ewhea ranei. Kahore matou i mohio ko wai ranei te Apiha o te Kawanatanga nana tenei paahi ko wai ranei. Ko etehi o aua whenua kua rite te hoko kite Bakeha. He utu ano to te Ngaherere c ono hereni mote eka mote Pakihi c whitu hereni mo te eka. Ko taua hoko no mua atu ite Here ate Kawanatanga kua riro mai ia matou tetehi wahi ote moni kua utua hoki etc Pakeha te ruuritanga ote whenua. Na ko ta matou kupu tenei inaianei mehemea ka whakaae te Kawanatanga ki taua utu i runga i taua hoko katahi matou ka whakaae. He mea kia whakaho kia c matou nga moni a nga Pakeha i riro nei ia matou, a mehemea ka whakahokia c te Kawanatanga te utu kite kore noa iho katahi matou ka mohio he tino mahi kohuru tenei heoi ma korua ano c ata whakaatu mai kia matou. A kite kahore c marama i a korua ka tukua atu c matou tetehi Pitihana kite Paramete ma to matou Mema Maori ano c hapai ake a ma te Paramete c kimi tetehi ora mo matou i runga i tenei whakahaere kohuru a te Kawanatanga. Ka mutu na o hoa. Na, kihai i marama mai i te Kawanatanga, koia matou i tuku atu ai i to matou Pitihana kite Paramete o te Koroni he mea kia kimihia mai c koutou kia whakaritea mai hoki tetehi tikanga c ora ai matou. A, ka inoi tonu matou. Butene te Umanga, me etahi o 204.

No. 2. Petera te Pukuatua and Others to Sir G. Grey. [Translation.] To Sir George Grey, at Te Kawau. Ohinemutu, Botorua, 28th May, 1883. Sir, greeting! You are the kind parent of both races in this Island, and doth relieve the hearts of all those who are afflicted. We have heard that a petition has reached you at Barliament from Butene te Umanga and. his friends—2o7 in number—urging that the restrictions contained in the Thermal Springs Act may be removed, as it at present ties up our district. Now, this is to inform you of our opinion of that law. We do not want it to be unfastened at present, because it is the chief mainstay of ourselves and our children. Our lands are not yet through the Court; but there are many rival claimants to them, and many Europeans are continually urging the sale of these lands; and it is only that Act which saves our district from being thrown into a state of confusion. Do you look at the proceedings which are being carried on at Cambridge at the present time ; that is all through the foolish sales of land before it was investigated, giving rise to the granting of spirit licenses, the payment of lawyers' fees, and numerous other evils practised by the land companies and such Natives as Butene te Umanga and his friends, for landswallowing purposes. Then: land, Patetere, has gone from them in consequence of this evil work of theirs, and now they turn their eyes in this direction so they might surreptitiously get our land. That petition is not from us—from the Ngatiwhakaue and Arawa tribes—but from Butene, of Ngatihuri hapu, and Ngatiraukawa, with their friends, the land-swallowing companies of Cambridge.