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Appendix. Sir, — General Survey Office, Wellington, 31st August, 1883. Eeferring to the memorial of the residents in St. Bathans, Mount Ida District, requesting that arrangements be made with the occupiers of Sections 9 and 13, Block VII., Blackstone Survey District, to allow tailings to run through, I have to remark that the statement in clause 8 of memorial, to the effect that no reservation was made along the stream or gully for tailings, is quite correct, nor was any deemed necessary at the time ; for, as stated in clause 6, the land and gully in question were declared open for settlement, as desired by the memorialists, the principal of whom are well acquainted with the district, and who would not have been parties to declaring auriferous ground open for settlement had there been any belief at the time that the ground was payably auriferous. But, as the settlement of the land did not proceed as anticipated by the memorialists when urging the Government to compensate the runholder and open the land in 1878, there still remains the opportunity of reserving the strip of land desired along the bottom of the gully for the whole length of its course, with the exception of that part, viz., about one and a quarter miles, through Sections 9 and 13, Block VII., Blackstone Survey District. I do not suppose the Gold Fields Committee desire me to advise what should be done in this particular case; but I may state generally that the surveyors are instructed to be most careful in leaving reserves for tailings through all Crown lands coming under survey within the gold fields. I have, &c, C. De Lautour, Esq., James McKereow, Chairman, Gold Fields and Mines Committee. Surveyor-General.

No. 510. —Petition of James Isdell and Others. The petitioners pray for the abolition of the gold duty. Your Committee are of opinion that the petition should be referred to the favourable consideration of the Government.

Eepoet under Order of Eefeeence of the 13th July, 1883. I am directed by the Gold Fields and Mines Committee to report the following resolution to the House:— That a vote of £2,500 in aid of prospecting should be provided on the supplementary estimates during the present session. That the allocation of the vote recommended be based on the following conditions : (1.) That no claim for assistance out of any vote in aid of prospecting for gold or other minerals shall be recognized unless the work for which such assistance is applied for shall have been sanctioned prior to the commencement thereof by the Council of the county in or surrounding which the works are situated. (2.) That in any district where the Counties Act is not brought into operation the sanction of the Minister must be obtained to the proposed work. Payments upon works so sanctioned shall be made at the recommendation of such officer as the Minister may appoint. (3.) That the amount payable shall be 10s. in the pound upon the amounts actually expended. (4.) That the certificates for the amount payable shall be signed by the Chairman of the County Council of the district wherein such prospecting is being carried on. 31st August, 1883.

Bepoet under Order of Eeference of the 13th July, 1883. I am directed by the Gold Fields and Mines Committee to report the following resolution to the House: — That, the mining industry of the colony having now become so important, this Committee would suggest that in future the Minister of Mines should make an annual statement to the House, similar to that made by the Minister for Public Works. 31st August, 1883.

Eeport under Osdee of Eeference of the 13th July, 1883. I am directed by the G old Fields and Mines Committee to report the following resolution to the House:— That an Act providing for mining for minerals other than gold should be prepared during the recess, to apply to the North Island in the same manner as is provided in the case of " The Mines Act, 1877," for the South Island. 31st August, 1883.

By Authority : GrEOEGis Didseury, Gorernraent Printer, Wellington.—lBB3.