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No. 144. —Petition of Andeew McKenna. Youb Committee are unable to refer the petition to the favourable consideration of the Government. 9th August, 1883.

No. 333. —Petition of John O'Donnell and Others. Youe Committee are unable to refer the petition to the favourable consideration of the Government. 16th August, 1883.

Eepoet under Oedee of Eefeeence of 13th July, 1883. I am directed by the Gold Fields and Mines Committee to report the following resolution to the House:— That the Government be urgently requested to introduce forthwith a short Act, providing that hereafter no person, body, or authority shall, by means of any channel, fluming, or other works of any nature, divert the whole or any part of the water which, under the provisions of " The Mines Act, 1877," or any amendment thereof, or any regulations now or hereafter in force thereunder respectively, may be allowed, required, or directed to flow in the natural bed of any stream or watercourse for general use. And if any person shall divert such water or any part thereof in any manner hereby prohibited, or in contravention of any order made under the said Acts or any regulation as aforesaid, he shall be guilty of an offence, and on conviction shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. 23rd August, 1883.

Eepoet under Obdee of Eefeeence of 13th July, 1883. I am directed by the Gold Fields and Mines Committee to report the following resolution to the House :— That, as a further inducement to prospecting, a reward of £2,500 should be offered for the discovery of new gold fields in any portion of the colony (except in such districts in the North Island as may be specially excepted therefrom by notice published under the hand of a Minister in the Government Gazette), on the following conditions : — 1. That the discovery be situate not less than ten miles in alluvial, and five miles in quartz, from any existing mines. 2. That no grant be paid upon an application until it be proven that not less than 20,000 ounces of gold have been extracted within two years from the time of the registration of the discovery and three years if in quartz working. 3. That there shall be appointed by the Governor from time to time, as may be required, in any mining district a Board, consisting of three members, one of whom shall be a Gold Fields Warden or Eesident Magistrate, to consider any application by persons claiming to have made a discovery the decision of a majority of the Board to be final. 4. That any person discovering new gold-workings, and being desirous of obtaining a reward, shall immediately report such discovery, with full particulars, to the Warden or Eesident Magistrate of the district within which such discovery shall be situated ; and the Warden or Eesident Magistrate shall forthwith register the same as an application for reward. 5. That £500 be given for a proven discovery, but, if the sum so to be given in any one year be in excess of the vote, the amount available be divided equally. 23rd August, 1883.

Report under Obdek of Eepeeence of 13th July, 1883. I am directed by the Gold Fields and Mines Committee to report the following resolution to the House :— That the Government be requested to take up the Drainage of Mines Bill, in order to enable it to pass during the present session, with a permissive clause added thereto. 23rd August, 1883.

No. 520.—Petition of J. F. Chbistian and 42 Others. The Gold Fields and Mines Committee, to whom the petition was referred, have the honour to report as follows: That Mr. McCready be allowed to purchase a homestead of not more than 50 acres; reserves for outlets being first laid off as water-race and tail-race reserves, to enable land adjoining or at the back to be worked for mining, such reserves to be laid off after public inquiry and recommendation of the Warden. That no further freehold should be granted. 30th August, 1883.

No. 508. —Petition of John Ewing and 88 Others. The Gold Fields and Mines Committee, to whom the petition was-referred, have the honour to report: That reservation of GSown lands be made for mining outlets as suggested by the SurveyorGeneral, in the valley referred to by the petitioners, for its whole length, and that the Warden be directed to communicate with the owners of Sections 13 and 9, Block VII., Blackstone District, with the view of ascertaining what arrangemnt is possible in order to carry out the wishes of the petitioners. 31st August, 1883.