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No. 4. —Particulars of Applications to Exchange Agricultural Leases for Leases on Deferred Payments, and to Convert Leaseholds into Freeholds, during the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1882.

No. 5. —Number and Area of Pastoral Licenses issued during the Year ending 31st March, 1882.

No. 6. —Lands held under Pastoral License or Lease on 31st March, 1882.

To Exchange Agricultural Leases for Leases on Deferred Payments. To Convert Leaseholds into Freeholds. Land Districts. No of Applications. Extent. No. of Applications. Extent. Value of Extent Improvements. Cultivated. A. B. P. 100 0 0 955 0 37 A. B. P. 3,366 1 4 35,990 2 8 6,024 2 30 £ s. d. A. B. P. kelson )tago Southland 1 11 17 230 46 6,430' 0 0 680 0 0 Total 1,055 0 37 293 45,381 2 2 6,430 0 0 12 680 0 0

Land Districts. Number of Runs. Area. Number of Stock. Kent. License Fees (if any). Total Rent per Acre. Auckland Hawke's Bay 3 1 A. e. p. 19,781 0 0 19,500 0 0 Not known 5,000 £ s. d. 47 0 0 81 5 0 £ s. d. Nil 5 0 0 id. Id. f 1,220 acres at 2id. 28,748 acres I at |d. | 9,050 acres at 4id. 1,000 acres L. at 3d. Id. id. 6fd. lid. Nelson 8 40,018 0 0 255 7 4 Marlborough Westland Otago ... Southland 1 7 185 2 6,000 0 0 101,000 0 0 2,425,687 0 0 11,975 0 0 800 steep 25 0 0 121 18 0 70,042 7 2 61 8 4 69,673 6 8 Total ... 207 2,623,961 0 0 70,634 5 10 69,678 6 8

Laud Districts. © . i •^^ c Area Average Stock Deg ° 3 Approximately. Area to each, pastured. t5 Bent Paid. License Total Fees. Payments. Average per Acre. Auckland Hawke's Bay Wellington .,. 22 11 A. B. P. 113,575 0 0 95,663 0 0 500 0 0 A. K. P. 5,162 0 0 8,696 2 0 Not known 42,500 800sheep £ b. d. 199 10 0 339 3 1 52 0 0 £ s. d. Nil 5 0 0 £ s. d. 199 10 0 344 3 1 52 0 0 £ s. a. 6 0 Oi '68,903 acres at |cl. 26,700 acres at Id. 2s. Id. ' 174,813 acres at Id. 65,144acres at l|d. 393,695 acrs at 2d. Id. 4id. Nelson 109 633,652 2 17 4,950 8 4 4,950 8 4 Marlborough Canterbury ... 70 361 1,068,028 0 0 2,858,526 0 0 15,257 0 0 7,918 0 0 150,000 1,175,874 sheep 2,919 7 7 52,619 6 5 60 i'e 7* 2,919 7 7 52,680 3 0 Westland Otago — Under Land Act, 1866 „ 1877 Southland 47 606,000 0 0 12,893 0 0 1,337,714 Great5,243 679 18 4 679 18 4 id. 150 277 45 f5,222,932 0 0 3,743,973 0 0 417,304 0 0 31,619 0 0 13,516 0 0 9,273 0 0 41,143 17 9 76,443 15 9 3,966 19 0 41,143 17 9 76,443 15 9 2d. 2d. 25i,679 sheep Totals 1,093 14,760,153 2 17 182,814 6 9 65 16 7182,880 3 4 Otago—Deduct 73 2,731,187 0 0 Being ares relet on Leases to begin on 1st March, 1882, „ „ 1883, 2,21 from lease, 359,187 acres. 57,563 acres. S4.427 „ Total... j> withhel( 1,020 12,028,966 2 17 3) * Fines on overdue n rats.