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I ] * Duty imposed on the 26th September, 1881. f From the 26th September, 183",


id lea. [uani !ity. Lue. Gasaliers and chandeliers Gaa-plant Glass—Bottles „ Plate ,, Window 36 pkg. £ 489 16,718 8,214 5,575 11,955 83 19,998 251 1,201 939 4,808 £ s. d. 73 6 11 Free. Glassware 4,210 p!ig. 723 „ 11,165 „ 3 „ 3,206 „ 22 „ 475 cvvt. 66 pkg. 860 0 11 1,314 12 3 Free. 3,026 15 4 Free. Glue" Gold leaf Goods, manufactured, unenumcrated Goods, unmanufactured, unenumerated Grain and pulse—Barley ,, Pearl barley „ Beans and peas .., „ Linseed „ Maize 2,372 j) it " Malt '.'.'. „ Oats ,, Peas, split „ Peanuts 1,202 centals 13i cwt. 1,945 bush. 1,067 „ 50,032 „ 8,061 „ 1,269 „ 79 „ 1,03 li cwt. 432 centals 29 „ 52,539f cwt. 24,077 bush. 104 pkg. 322 „ 1,750 „ 18 „ 1,175 „ 30 „ 216 „ 292 21 1,001 411 7,821 1,786 514 26 669 318 23 44,668 6,301 295 2,936 23,277 219 49,290 G82 6,419 22 13 10 0 13 6 41 12 6 21 9 0 Free. *174 18 6 127 2 0 1 3 10 52 1 5 16 5 2 Free. 11,493 1 8 522 7 7 8 2 0 209 18 5 Free. „ Rice Wheat „ Other kinds Grindery ... ,, ..< >*■ ... Gutta-percha goods Haberdashery 7,459 11 6 Free. it "• „ Sewing cottons, silks, and threads Hair „ Curled Hair-seating ... Hardware and ironmongery 285 cwt. 226| „ 76 pkg. 37,987 pkg. 25,520 sash-weights 2,998 pk". 786 „ 589 „ 1,068 1,218 575 t) >) J) | 163,628 24,475 11 1 Ditto Ditto, axes and hatchets Ditto, spades, Bhovels, and forks Hats and caps — Straw Felt and other materials Hatters' materials Hay Hemp Hides Holloware Honey Hops Hosiery Indiarubber goods 799 „ 1,273 „ 89 „ 1 ton 5 cwt. 121 „ 10 „ 23,088 numb. 573 pkg. 4,0241b. 2,971 cwt. 1 qr. 17 lb 597 pkg. 10 „ 147 „ 467 ., 252 „ GQ numb. 1 180 „ 13 „ 1,177 „ 2G7pltg. 110 „ 209 ,, 173 „ 34 „ 35 tons 10 cwt. 7,181 „ 2 „ ... 28 „ 6,461 „ 4 cwt. .. 805 „ 7 „ ... 26 cwt. 1 qr. 19 lb. 629 tons 3 cwt. 2,832 „ 6,143 „ 298 „ 10 cwt. 507 „ 17 „ ... 6,009 „ 228 „ 10 ., 434 „ 20,628 2,160 4,398 16,123 32,571 3,461 6 4,391 22,516 3,778 175 22,062 26,049 255 4,802 2,133 1,086 991 62 2,481 2,592 35,940 5,643 1,545 3,762 2,687 58S 350 57,455 5,005 530 128,455 16,591 47 5,749 10.574 46,903 3,742 4,975 41,957 2,654 4.959 Free. ,.+ ,,t 2,256 2 9 4,933 15 3 Free. 591 8 6 Free. 7,936 7 3 3,908 12 4 38 4 0 Free. ,, ... Ink—Printing „ Writing Instruments, musical—Harmoniums 177 5 3 151 17 G Free. 891 17 8 Free. 5,309 16 7 869 8 3 Free. ,, Organs „ Pianos „ Other kinds Instruments—Optical ... ,, Scientific „ Surgical „ Surveying Iron —Angle „ Bar, bolt, and rod „ Bolts and nuts ... „ Castings „ Galvanized corrugated „ ,, plain sheet „ Gates and posts „ Hoop „ Hg „ Pipes, cast ,, i) wrought ... „ Plate „ Kails „ Eailway bolts ond fastenings „ Sheet >) 12,872 18 0 Free. 5 G 2 Free. j> j) j) 3)