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Other occasional payments equally without statutable authority have always been made on behalf of the Imperial Government, and reported to Parliament, under the head of Imperial Government Advances Account. James Edwaed FitzGeeald, 22nd July, 1881. Controller and Auditor-General.

SIE WILLIAM FITZHEEBEET'S PENSION Sic, — Superintendent's Office, Wellington, 24th November, 1869. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 17th instant, informing me that you have forwarded your resignation of the office of Commissioner of Crown Lands to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary I have to express my very sincere regret at the termination of the official connection which has subsisted between us for a period of above sixteen years, and at the same time to assure you that I shall ever remain grateful to you for the valuable assistance you have invariably afforded me in your capacity both of Commissioner of Crown Lands and of a Member of my Executive. I have, &c, I. "E. Featheeston, William Fitzherbert, Esq. Superintendent.

Sic, — Colonial Secretai-y's Office, Wellington, 31st January, 1870. Adverting to my letter (No. 8) of the Bth instant, I have the honor to inform you that leave of absence has been granted to you, without salary, till the 15th July, 1870, and that His Excellency is pleased to accept, on and from that date, your resignation of the office of Commissioner of Crown Lands. A warrant has been signed by His Excellency, giving you, from the 15th July, 1870, a pension under the 41st section of " The Civil Service Act, 1866," at the rate of £325 per annum, I have, &c, William Fitzherbert, Esq., M.G.A., the Hutt, Wellington. W Gisbobne.

Sir,— Parliament Buildings, 20th July, 1881. By direction of the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, I have the honor to request that you will furnish me with the following papers before 11 a.m. of to-morrow, viz.: — 1. Application form filled up by Sir William Fizherbert when applying for his pension. 2. Copy of Governor's warrant granting such pension. 3. Auditor-General's sanction to the payment. I have, &c, Heney Weight, The Secretary to the Treasury Clerk to the Public Accounts Committee.

There is no application form, and I cannot find any Auditor-General's sanction. —G-. S. Coopee.— 20th July 1881. Mr. Wright.—Copy warrant herewith. —James C. G-atin.—2lst July, 1881.

G- F. Bowen, Governor. To the Honorable the Colonial Treasurer of New Zealand, for the time being. "Whereas by " The Civil Service Act, I860," provision is made for granting to officers of the Civil Service on their retirement, in certain cases, superannuation and other allowances; and by the fortvfirst section of the said Act it is enacted that, when any superannuation or other allowance or gratuity is granted under the said Act, the causes of the granting thereof shall be set forth in the warrant granting the same : And whereas William Fitzherbert, Esquire, of Wellington, will, on the fifteenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy, have attained the age of sixty years, and will have been actually employed in the Public Service of New Zealand for the period of sixteen years, and will have been during the last two years of such service employed as Commissioner of Crown Lands at Wellington, at an average salary of six hundred and fifty pounds (£650) per annum: And whereas the said William Fitzherbert is desirous of retiring from the Civil Service on the fifteenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy, to which date he has received leave of absence : Now, therefore, I, Sir George Ferguson Bowen, G-.C.M.Gr., the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and in exercise of the power and authority in me in this behalf vested by the said Act, do hereby authorize and empower you, the Colonial Treasurer for the time being of the said colony, from time to time to pay to the said William Fitzherbert, Esquire, during his natural life, or until the cancellation of this warrant, a retiring allowance after the rate of three hundred and twenty-five pounds per annum, from and after the fifteenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under the hand of His Excellency Sir G-eorge Ferguson Bowen, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor and Coinmander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, at the Government House at Auckland, this fifteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy W G-iseoene,