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modis insidias parabat Ciceroni. Neque illi tamen ad cavendum dolus aut astutiae deerant. Namque a principio consulatus sui, multa pollicendo per Fulviam, effecerat, ut Q. Curius, de quo paullo ante memoravi, consilia Catilinae sibi proderet. Ad hoc collegam suum Antonium pactione provinciae perpulerat, ne contra rempublicam sentiret; circum se praesidia amicorum atque clientium occulte habebat. 2. His rebus eomparalis. Account for the case of these words. To what do they refer ? 3. Into what subdivisions may the present, past, and future tenses be divided? Illustrate from the rerb audio, giving the English meanings. 4. Translate — Bed Allobroges div in incerto habuere, quidnam consilii caperent. In altera parte crat acs alienum, studium belli, magna merces in spe victoriae ; at in altera majores opes, tuta consilia, pro ineerta spe certa praemia. Haec illis volventibus, tandem vicit fortuna reipublicae. Itaque Q. Fabio Sangae, cujus patrocinio civitas plurimum utebatur, rem omnem, uti cognoverant, aperiunt. Cicero, per Sangam consilio cognito, legatis praecepit, ut studium conjurationis vehementer simulent, ceteros adeant, bene polliceantur, dentque operam, uti eos guam maxime manifestos habeant. 5. Give some account of the Allobroges. G. Parse the words consilii, vicit,patrocinio, simulent, and polUoecmtwr in question 4. ARITHMETIC. 1. How can you tell without performing the full operation what numbers are divisible by 2 ? What by 8 ? What by 9 ? 2. A clerk gets 4d. a folio (72 words) for copying a document; he writes on ruled foolscap with 34 lines to the page, and averages 7 words a line : how much must he be paid for a quire ? 3. A man owes £61 16s. 9d. on the 17th March, and agrees to pay it off at the rate of £2 Bs. 6d. a week: on what date will it all be paid off? 4. The area of a floor being 136 i square feet, and the length being double the width, what are they ? 5. What decimal of a shilling is a franc, if £1 is equal to 25| francs? 6. Returns of New Zealand railways,for year ending the 15th November, 1879: —

Find total number of miles open, total receipts and expenditure, and percentage of total expenditure to total receipts, to two places of decimals. 7. The average of three numbers is 12 ; the sum of two of them is -X- of the sum of all: what is the third ? 8. Find the amount at compound interest of £75 14s. 9d. for 2 years 7 months 2 L days, at 4J per cent. 9. The diameter of the driving-wheel of a bicycle is 54 inches, and of the small wheel 22 inches. The circumference is 8'14L59 times the diameter. How many more revolutions will the small wheel make in a mile than the large wheel? 10. In a school of 150 boys, 16 were absent: how many per cent, were present ? IL. What is the difference per cent, in income between an investment in New Zealand 5 per cents, at 102, and 3 per cent. Consols at 93 ? GEOGRAPHY. 1. "What route would you take overland from the Bluff to Picton, and from Wellington to Auckland, and what towns would you pass on the way? 2. Is it better for a country to have a large or small extent of coast-line? Why? Which continent has the largest extent of coast-line in proportion to its superficial area; which the least? 3. You often find totally different climates at two places situated at the same distance from the equator: why is this ? Give examples. 4. Name the chief islands of the East Indian Archipelago, and the seas and straits that divide them. 5. Into what great families may mankind be divided ? Where is each chiefly to be found? FRENCH. 1. Translate — Louis XIII. tomba dans un grand fauteuil garni d'oreillers, demanda et but un verre d'elixir prepare pour le fortifier contre les evanouissements frequents que lvi causait sa maladie de langueur, fit un geste pour eloigner tout le monde, et, seul avec Richelieu, lvi parla dune voix languissante. 3—H. 16.

Miles Open. Receipts. Expenditure. Kaipara ... Auckland Napier Wellington Wanganui iS"ew Plymouth Christohurch, Dunodin, and Invercargill Grey mouth Westport Nelson Picton ... ... ... .... 16 98 65 45 95 21 739 8 19 20 18 £ s. d. 1,822 5 0 22,112 11 11 9,414 8 8 10,44,0 2 4 13,250 15 2 2,253 13 2 191,117 18 9 3,492 17 4 1,216 12 7 2,328 17 6 1,726 4 6 £ s. a. 2,068 5 11 16,051 8 9 6,723 5 2 9,318 7 0 10,239 15 4 2,24.2 3 7 172,697 13 10 1,821 5 7 1,071 11 10 2,255 3 6 1,707 11 8