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8. How much money invested at 5£ per cent, simple interest will produce an income of £249 14s. 6d. ? 9. A plat of grass 25 yds. 2 ft. by 13 yds. 1 ft. requires 3^- lb. of grass seed to sow it. How much will a plat 33 \ yds. square require ? Show the answer as a mixed number, also as a whole number and decimals to five places. 10. Simplify '-f^t^f. 11. A man sells goods for £5 4s. 9d., and thereby gains a sum of money which stands in the same ratio to his outlay as £11 stands to £100. How much did the goods cost him ? HISTORY. 1. Under what circumstances and by what right did the following monarchs come to the throne of England : —Alfred, Henry IV., Henry VII., George I. ? 2. For what events in English history are the following places remarkable: —Aboukir, Flodden, Limerick, Lochleven Castle, Pontefracfc Castle, Troyes, Aix-la-Chapelle, Inkermann ? 3. Sketch the chief events of the reign of George IV., naming of course the persons who took the most prominent parts in those events. 4. For what are the following persons celebrated : —Chaucer, Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, Benjamin Franklin, Sir John Franklin, Sacheverell, Sir Philip Sidney, "Warren Hastings ? 5. What were the origin and objects of the East India Company, the Hudson's Bay Company, and the New Zealand Company ? 6. " London." How early is a town supposed to have stood where London now stands ? When and by whom were Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral, and the Tower first built ? What events happened in London in 1381,1450, 16G5, 1666, 1848, 1851 ? GEOGRAPHY. 1. Explain the terms axis, poles, hemispheres, meridian, degree, tropics, zones. 2. Draw a map of New Zealand as large as your paper will admit, marking on it the provincial districts with their chief towns, the principal capes, harbours, and mountain-peaks. 3. Write a brief geographical description of Canada. 4. How does it happen that, on his way from England to Australia by the Suez route, a traveller finds the British flag flying at Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, and Point de Galle ? 5. Name the Cinque Ports, and state in what counties they are situated. 6. Where are the most strictly agricultural districts of England to be found; and where the manufacturing districts ?

S E IST I O B. ENGLISH. (See paper set for December.) LATIN. Horace — Odes, Books I. and 11. 1. Translate — Musis amicus tristitiam et metus Quid Tiridatem terreat, unice Tradam protervis in mare Creticum Securus. 0, quae fontibus integris Portare ventis, queis sub Arcto Gaudes, apricos necte flores, Rex gelidae metuatur orae, Necte meo Lamiae coronam, Pimplea dulcis ! Nil sine te mci Prosunt honores : hunc fidibus novis, Hunc Lesbio sacrare plectro Teque tuasque decet sorores. 2. "Who was rex gelidae orae, and what circumstances are alluded to here ? 3. Scan the first stanza, and name the metre. 4. Translate — Jam pauca aratro jugera regiae Turn spissa ramis laurea fervidos Moles relinquent, undique latius Excludet ictus. Non ita Eomuli Extenta visentur Lucrino Praescriptum et intonsi Catonis Stagna lacu platanusque caelebs Auspiciis yeterumque norma. Evincet ulinos. Turn violaria et Privatus illis census erat brevis, Myrtus et omnis copia narium Commune magnum : nulla decempedis Spargent olivetis odorem Metata privatis opacam Fertilibus domino priori; Porticus excipiebat Arcton ; Nee fortuitum spernere cespitem Leges sinebant, oppida publico Sumptu jubentes et Deorum Templa novo decorare saxo. 5. Parse fully, giving rules — visentur, olivetis, praescriptum, decempedis, spernere, saxo. Virgil — JEnid I. and 11. 1. Translate—■ Cvi mater media sese tulifc obvia silva, Nuda genu, nodoque sinus collecta fluentes. Yirginis os habitumque gerens et virginis anna, Ac prior, " Heus," inquit, " juvenes, monstrate, Spartanae, vel qualis equos Threissa fatigat mearum Harpalycevolucremquefugapraevertitur Hebrum, Vidistis si guam hie errantem forte sororum, Namque humeris do more habilem suspenderat Succinctam pharetra et maculosae tegmine lyncis, arcum Aut spumantis apri cursum clamore prementem," Venatrix, dederatquo comam diffundere ventin,