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unequal duties, to exclude the trade of the other Party from the profits of such native Power ; and that if, in any treaty now existing on either part, any article to that effect has been admitted, such article shall be abrogated upon the conclusion of the present treaty. It is understood that, before the conclusion of the present treaty, communication has been made by each of the Contracting Parties to the other of all treaties or engagements subsisting between each of them respectively, and any native Power in the eastern seas ; and that the like communication shall bo made of all such treaties concluded by them respectively hereafter. (Article III.) The Molucca Islands, and especially Amboyna, Banda', Ternate, and their immediate dependencies, are excepted from the operation of Articles I, 11., 111., and IV., until the Netherland Government shall think fit to abandon the monopoly of spices; but if the said Government shall, at any time previous to such abandonment of the monopoly, allow the subjects of any Power, other than a native Asiatic Power, to carry on any commercial intercourse with the said islands, the subjects of His Britannic Majesty shall be admitted to such intercourse upon a footing precisely similar. (Article VII.) Octobeb 27, 1837. Commerce and Navigation. —The present treaty shall be in force for the term of ten years from the date hereof, and, further, until the end of twelve months after either of the High Contracting Parties shall have given notice to the other of its intention to terminate the same; each of the High Contracting Parties reserving to itself the right of giving such notice to the other at the end of the said term of ten years. And it is hereby agreed between them that, at the expiration of twelve months after such notice shall have been received by either Party from the other, this treaty and all the provisions thereof shall altogether cease and determine. (Article VII.) • Most-favoured-Nation Treatment. Subjects : Duties, Taxes, Imposts, Bights, Privileges, Favours, Immunities, and Exemptions. —There shall be reciprocal liberty of commerce and navigation between and amongst the subjects of the two High Contracting Parties, and the subjects of the two Sovereigns respectively shall not pay in the ports, harbours, roads, cities, towns, or places whatsoever in either kingdom any other or higher duties, taxes, or imposts, under whatsoever names designated or included, than those which are there paid by the subjects of the most favoured nation; and the subjects of each of the High Contracting Parties shall enjoy the same rights, privileges, liberties, favours, immunities, and exemptions in matters of commerce" and navigation that are granted, or may hereafter be granted, in either kingdom to the subjects of the most favoured nation. (Article I.) Import Duties on Goods. —]STo duty of Customs or other impost shall be charged upon any goods the produce of one country upon importation by sea or by land from such country into the other higher than the duty or impost charged upon goods of the same kind the produce of, or imported from, any other country ; and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, do hereby bind and engage themselves not to grant any favour, privilege, or immunity in matters of commerce and navigation to the subjects of any other State which shall not be also, and at the same time, extended to the subject* of the other High Contracting Party gratuitously if the concession in favour of that other State^ shall have been gratuitous, and on giving as nearly as possible the same compensation or equivalent in case the concession shall have been conditional. (Article I.) If applicable to British Colonies. Not applicable to British Colonies. Declaration made by the Plenipotentiary of Her Britannic Majesty on the Exchange of the Batifications of the Treaty of the 27th October, 1837.—1n proceeding to the exchange of the ratifications of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, concluded and signed at the Hague on the 27th October, 1837, the undersigned, Plenipotentiary of Her Britannic Majesty, is commanded by Her Majesty to explain and declare that Her Majesty has ratified the said treaty, notwithstanding that the preamble thereof contains the words " in Europe," which Her Majesty's Government had objected to as redundant; but that Her Majesty considers those words to be without meaning so far as Her Majesty's dominions are concerned, because those words appear to establish a distinction between a kingdom in Europe and a kingdom out of Europe ; whereas by the word " kingdom " in the said treaty, Her Majesty, as far as regards her own territories, means only the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, which is well known to be in Europe, and does not mean any of the possessions of Her Majesty's Crown beyond sea. Her Majesty's ratification of the said treaty is exchanged under the explicit declaration and understanding above mentioned. Done at the Hague, the 22nd day of November, 1837. (1.5.) Edward Ckomwell Disbeowe. Counter-Declaration of the Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of the Netherlands. —The Plenipotentiary of Her Britannic Majesty having, previously to the exchange of the ratifications of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation concluded on the 27th October, 1837, between His Majesty the King of the Netherlands and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, delivered to the undersigned, Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, a declaration stating that Her Britannic Majesty had not in view in the said treaty the possessions of her Crown beyond sea, the undersigned is'charged by His Majesty the King of the Netherlands to declare that, His said Majesty accepts the above-mentioned declaration, and that he likewise, on his part, has not meant to comprise in the said treaty the possessions of his Crown beyond sea.