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■Wednesday, 17th Mabch, 1880. The Commission met at 11 a.m. in the Parliamentary Buildings. Present: The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Colonel Pearce. and Mr. Eeid. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. The evidence of Mr. Richard John Gill, TTnder-Secretary, Native Land Purchase Department, was taken. The Commission then adjourned.

Saturday, 20th Mabch, 1880. The Commission met at 2.30 p.m. in the Public "Works Office, Christchurch. Present: The Chairman. (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Colonel Pearce, and Mr. Wright. The Commission received, a deputation consisting of Messrs. John Beaumont, John Deans, J. Mcllwraith, and Dr. Turnbull, who urged that, instead of constructing the line, for which tenders had been called for by the Government, from Home Bush to Hororata, the line should be taken from Sheffield to Coalgate, through the Waianiwaniwa Valley, thence to Grlentunnel, and on through the Wairiri Valley to Eakaia Gorge. The Commission took evidence from Mr. Albert Duncan Austin, District Engineer.

Tuesday, 23rd Mabcii, 1880. The Commission met at Sheffield. Present: The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Colonel Pearce, and Mr. Wright. The Commission received a deputation from the ratepayers of the district, consisting of Dr. Meadows, Messrs. VV. Kossiter, McMillan, Taylor, Browne, Lilly, and Heighway, who urged that the line of railway from West Oxford to Sheffield should be brought not to Waddington but to the Township of Sheffield. The deputation also represented, in reference to the extension of the line from Sheffield, that the Commission should take into consideration proposed routes through Russell's Flat, Pig Saddle, South Malvern, and the Waianiwaniwa and Wairiri Valleys.

Wednesday, 24th Maech, 1880. The Commission met at Hurunui. Present: The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Colonel Pearce, and Mr. "Wright. The Commission took evidence from Mr. P. Wither, Assistant Engineer.

Wednesday, 31st Maech, 1880. The Commission met at Balclutha. Present: The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Mr. Eeid, and Mr. Wright. The evidence of the following witnesses was taken : Captain Andrew, sawmiller, and Mr. Hay, settler.

Thursday, Ist April, 1880. The Commission met at Tapanui. Present: The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Colonel Pearce, Mr. Eeid, and Mr. Wright. The Commission received a deputation consisting of Messrs. IST. McMillen (Mayor of Tapanui), W. Quin, D. McKellar, J. McFarlane, E. H. Fisher, A. McGregor, B. Washer, C. Hawson, J. Eodger, J. Meir, and Dr. Douglas, who urged that the terminus of the Waipahi-Tapanui Eailway should be at the Town of Tapanui, instead of at Kelso.

Monday, sth Apkil, 1880. The Commission met at Invercargill. Present: The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Colonel Pearce, Mr. Reid, and Mr. "Wright. The Commission received a deputation consisting of the Hon. W. Wood, M.L.C., Messrs. Bain, M.H.R., McCaughan, M.H.R., Shanks, M.H.R., Denniston, Dairymple, Finn, Lumsden, Mitchell, Murray, McNab, Turnbull, and Wade, who urged the desirability of constructing the Seaward Bush Railway. The evidence of the following witnesses was taken: Mr. D. McArthur, Inspector of Forests ; Mr. Alexander McNab, Clerk, Invercargill Land Office ; Mr. Alexander McNab, farmer; Mr. P. Dalrymple, farmer ; Mr. James Murray, contractor ; Mr. Gr. Lumsden,'Commissioner of Southland Waste Lands Board ; and the Hon. W. Wood, M.L.C. The Commission received a deputation consisting of Messrs. Brown, Millar, Mossa, and Mclntyre, who urged that the Forest Hill Tramway should branch off the Invercargill-Kingston Railway at Wilson's Crossing, taking a northerly direction to the foot of the Hokanui Hills. Evidence respecting traffic on Southland railways was taken from the following witnesses : Mr. T. Arthur, Greneral Manager, and Mr. B. McKellar, Stationmaster, Invercargill.

Monday, sth Apeil, 1880. The Commission met at Riverton. Present : The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Colonel Pearce, Mr. Reid, and Mr. Wright. The Commission received, a deputation from the citizens of Riverton, consisting of Messrs. J. Reid (Mayor), T. Daniel, J. Taylor, Berndtson, Mills, Locke, and Petchell, who urged the completion of the Riverton-Orepuki Railway. The evidence of the following witnesses was taken: Messrs. J. R. Mills, T. Daniel, James Taylor, B. Berndtson, and J. Reid.