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Thursday, 11th Mabch, 1880. The Commission met at Woodville. Present: All the members. The evidence of Mr. Frasi, licensed surveyor, was taken.

Thuesdat, 11th Maech, 1880. The Commission met at Palmerston. Present: All the members. The Commission received a deputation from the Township of Bulls, who urged the construction of the line from Greatford to Bulls, and also the line from "Wellington to the West Coast by way of Foxton, Carnarvon, and Bulls.

Feidat, 12th Mabch, 1880. The Commission met at Palmerston. Present: All the members. The evidence of the following witnesses was taken : Mr. H. Jackson, surveyor, and Mr. J. T. Stewart, District Engineer. The Commission received a deputation, consisting of the Mayor and Corporation of Palmerston, who urged the construction of the railway from "Wellington to West Coast to Palmerston direct.

Friday, 12th March, 1880. The Commission met at Bulls. Present: All the members. The Commission heard statements from Colonel Gorton and Messrs. T. Munro and Sanson in support of connecting Bulls with Q-reatford, and also with Foxton, by railway.

Friday, 12th Maech, 1880. The Commission met at IToxton. Present: All the members. The evidence of the following witnesses was taken: Mr. B. S. Thynne and Mr. G-. "W". Russell.

Saturday, 13th Maech, 1880. The Commission met at Otaki. Present : All the members. The Commission took evidence from Mr. Sydney Smith, clerk to Hastwell, Macara and Co., coachproprietors.

Monday, 15th Maech, 1880. The Commission met at 3 p.m. in the Parliamentary Buildings. Present: The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Colonel Pearce, and Mr. Reid. The minutes of previous meetings were read and confirmed. The Secretary was instructed to obtain, through the Under-Secretary for Public Works, an estimate of the amount which will be available for the construction of railways during the three years ending the 31st March, 1883. The Secretary was instructed, in reply to a letter from the Under-Secretary for Public Works, to send the following amended heading for Return D : " Return showing Acreage and Description of Land calculated to contribute either Passenger or Goods Traffic to each line of Railway constructed, in course of construction, or proposed." (A separate return to be made for each branch or section of main line.) Resolved, That the Under-Secretary for Public "Works be requested, in reply to his letter of the 11th March, 1830, No. 1010, to furnish the returns asked for to the extent of the information already in the possession of the department, leaving further details to be supplied as soon as they can be collected. The Under-Secretary to be further requested to forward such returns for the Middle Island with as little delay as possible. The Commission then adjourned till 11 a.m. next day.

Tuesday, 16th March, 1880. Tie Commission met at 11 a.m. in the Parliamentary Buildings. Present: The Chairman (Mr. Curtis), Mr. Clark, Colonel Pearce, and Mr. Keid. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Commission received a deputation consisting of Messrs. Brandon, Hutchison, W. W. Johnston, and Levin, M.H.B.s, Mr. W. T. L. Travers, and Mr. James Wallace, a committee appointed at a public meeting held recently in Wellington to urge upon the G overnment the construction of the WellingtonWest Coast Eailwaj's. Mr. Travers made a statement and handed in returns and maps relating to the proposed railway routes between Wellington and the West Coast. The evidence of the following witnesses was taken with respect to the Wellington-Foxton Bailway: The Bishop of Wellington, Mr. Blackett, Engineer in Charge, North Island, and Messrs. Braithwaite and Gear.