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Consolidated Fund Account. ♦ Cb. £ a. d. By amounts unclaimed for six years in intestate estates ... ... ... ... ... 1,773 4 5 „ ~ „ „ real estates ... ... ... ... ... 445 11 8- „ „ received for maintenance of patients in lunatic asylums ... ... ... ... 3,623 19 9 £5,842 15 10 Db. To amount paid over to Consolidated Fund ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,842 15 10 J. Woodward, Public Trust Office, Wellington, 21st July, 1879. Public Trustee. Examined and found correct. James Edwaed FitzQ-ebald, 25th September, 1879. Controller and Auditor-G-eneral.

Authority : Geoege Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB79.

Price 3d.]