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SECURITIES held by the PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE on 30th June, 1879.

Expenses Account. (Included in General Balance-Sheet, out shown here separately in terms of Section 42 of " The Puilic Trust Office Act, 1872!") Cb. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Balance on July 1, 1878 ... ... ... ... ... - ... 988 3 9 „ Commission and charges received from estates ... ... 1,679 0 0 Interest charged on advances to estates ... ... ... 378 „ Fee on deposit of will ... ... ... ... 0 10 0 „ Fees on registration o£ life policies ... ... ... 0 10 0 , Commission on fee stamps purchased ... ... ... 519 1,688 9 5 , Balance transferred from Interest Account ... ... ... 1,373 2 7 3,061 12 0 £4,049 15 9 To Salaries of Office— Dk. Public Trustee... ... ... ... ... 800 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... 390 0 0 Cadet ... ... ... ... ... 80 0 0 1,270 0 0 ~ Amounts at debit of estates, written off by authority of the Hon. Colonial Treasurer 89 0 5 ~ Commission and postages paid to agents ... ... ... ... 335 0 3 „ Furniture, stationery, &c., for office ... ... ... £68 8 3 Postages, telegrams, and stamps ... ... ... 92 17 10 Extrii clerical assistance ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 166 6 1 1,860 6 9 Balance carried forward ... ... ... ... ... ... £2,189 9 0 Interest Account. Cb. £ s. d. By Interest received on Government securities held ... ... ... ... ... 2,584 19 9 „ paid by Bank on fixed deposits ... ... ... ... ... ... 575 0 0 n ~ added by Bank to current account ... ... ... ... ... 326 910 n „ paid by Treasury on amount advanced for purchase of debentures in London ... ... 207 10 8 „ ~ reel-edited from amounts paid over to Consolidated Fund ... ... ... 270 17 11 £3,964 18 2 Db. £ s. d. To Accrued interest paid for on debentures purchased ... ... ... 40 5 2 „ Interest paid in respect of estates during year ... ... ... 507 12 1 „ „ added to accounts at close of year ... ... ... 2,043 18 4 „ Balance transferred to Expenses Account ... ... ... 1,373 2 7 3,964 18 2

Description of Securities. Nominal Value. Value at Cost Price. Immigration and Public Works Loan, 1870 General Purposes Loan, 1873 (Scrip) £ s. d. 4,200 0 0 900 0 0 400 0 0 20,900 0 0 800 0 0 6,200 0 0 24,750 0 0 4,000 0 0 £ s. d. 4,032 0 0 877 10 0 340 0 O 20,064 0 0 696 0 0 6,014 0 0 24,841 6 6 4,000 0 O New Zealand Loan, 1876 " Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1876 " Also securities held for private estates— Immigration and Public Works Loan, 1870 62,150 0 0 2,000 0 0 600 0 0 150 0 0 60,864 16 6 1,920 0 0 585 0 0 150 12 0 )> >» » New Zealand Loan, 1876 64,900 0 0 63,520 8 6