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Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei:— Mehemea i puta tetahi whakaritenga pera heoi ka whai-kupu te Komiti kite Kawanatanga kia whakamanaia te inoi a nga kai-pitihana a me whakaputa nga Karauna karaati. 5 Tihema, 1579.

No. 288, Session ll. —Petition of Apeeahama Uhia aud 25 Others. Petitioners state that, if the rent of certain lands leased to the Government in 1875 be paid up, they will agree to the sale of the land in question. I am directed to report as follows :— That the Committee recommend this petition for the consideration of the Government. sth December, 1879.

[Teanslation.] No. 288, Session II. —Te Pukapuka-inoi a Apeeahama Uhia me etahi atu c 25. E Xi ana nga kai-pitihana ko etahi whenua i riihitia c ratou kite Kawanatanga i te tau 1875 kaore ano kia utua te reti ki a ratou, mehemea ka utua era ratou c whakaae ki to hoko o aua whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei:— Ko te kupu a te Komiti kia whakaarohia paitia tenei pitihana c te Kawanatanga. 5 Tihema, 1879.

No. 239, Session II. —Petition of Hepeta Maitai and 34 Others. Petitionees state that they inherited land from their ancestors, and when the Native Land Court investigated their claims several Europeans followed them about endeavouring to get them to sell. Some of the Europeans bought up individual shares, and before the others were aware mortgages and leases had been completed. The consequence is, that grave trouble has arisen; and they hope a stop will be put to such a practice. I am directed to report as follows : — That to meet this and similar cases the Government is recommended to bring in a Bill at as early a date as possible for providing for the disposal of Native lands. sth December, 1879.

[Translation.] No. 239, Session ll.—Te Pukapuka-inoi a Hepeta Maitai me etahi c 34. E Xi ana nga kai-pitihana he whenua o ratou no o ratou tipuna a i te whakawakanga a te Kooti Whenua Maori i o ratou take, ka whai haere etahi pakeha i a ratou tohe ai kia hoko. Ko etahi pakeha i hoko takitahi i nga hea mohio rawa ake etahi o nga Maori kua oti nga mokete me nga riihi; no reira ka puta ake he raruraru nui a c mea ana ratou kia whakamutua taua main. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei : — No te mea kia tutuki te whakaaro o roto i tenei pitihana me etahi atu c rite ana ki tenei me whakahau te Kawanatanga kia hangaia wawetia tonu tetahi pire whakarite mo te tuku whenua Maori. 5 Tihema, 1879.

No. 294, of 1878, and 29, of Session 1., 1879.—Petitions of Feedeeick Sutton. The petitioner states that he is the owner of a piece of land in the District of Hawke's Bay, known as Omaranui; that he gained a suit brought against his title by certain Natives in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal, but that nevertheless the said Natives and others took possession of the land, and resisted the efforts of the Sheriff of the district to eject them by due process of law, declaring that they would never give up possession of the land while they retained life ; that the Sheriff, in his return of the writ, has stated that he could not have enforced it without causing a breach of the peace, and that he had not sufficient means at his disposal to overcome the resistance which wrould have been offered; that the Supreme Court having accepted these reasons as a sufficient excuse for the non-execution of the writ, petitioner has received no benefit from the judgment of the Court, but has incurred costs to the amount of several hundreds of pounds. He therefore prays that means may be devised for enforcing the judgments, decrees, and writs of the Supreme Court of New Zealand. I am directed to report as follows : — That the petitioner, as holder of the Crown grant, appears to have a legal title to the estate, but that it seems probable that the issue of the Crown grant did a wrong to the Natives, who for a long time inhabited 163 acres included iv the grant. The Committee therefore recommend the Government to inquire into the case, aud effect such a settlement as may appear fair, considering all the circumstances. 11th December, 1879.

[Teanslation.] No. 294, of 1878, and 29, of Session 1., 1879.—Nga Pukapuka-inoi c rua a Peeieika Tatana. Eki ana te kai-pitihana nona tetahi piihi whenua i roto ite Takiwa o Haake Pei ko Omarunui; i puta ia i te whakawakanga i a ia i roto i te Hupirimi Kooti me te Kooti tuarua a etahi Maori mo tona take ki taua whenua ; na ahakoa nga whakataunga a nga Kooti tangohia ana c aua Maori me etahi atu taua whenua, a whakatetetia ana te Apiha ote takiwa ite haerenga atu kite pana i a ratou i runga i nga tikanga o te ture me ta ratou ki kore rawa c tukuua c ratou taua whenua kia mate ra ano ; na i kite