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No. 10. The Assistant Under Secretary to Mr. Greenfield. (Telegram.) AVellington, 7th February, 1879. Whitefish ova, to arrive, were not ordered by the Government, but came unexpectedly. If possible, box will be sent you either direct from Manukau or from Wellington, but of this you will be informed by Dr. Hector, from Auckland. He has gone by " Hinemoa "to receive them, aud will wire you direct. Amelius M. Smith, A. Greenfield, Esq., Nelson. Assistant Under Secretary.

No. 11. Mr. S. C. Farr to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sib, — Canterbury Acclimatisation Society, Christchurch, 3rd February, 1879. I have to acknowledge receipt of communication (No. 165) in re whitefish, and, in reply, beg to state that everything shall be in readiness to receive them, and nothing left undone to secure success. Permit me again to ask for a reply to miue dated 11th November, 1878, and telegram of 20th December. I have, &c, S. C. Fare. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.

No. 12. The Hon. Dr. Menzies to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (Telegram.) Edendale, 10th February, 1879. Pray advise Curator Southland Ponds of number and weight of boxes whitefish ova, date of arrival at Bluff. Give him railway pass when conveying them. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. J. A. R. Menzies.

_________________ , No. 13. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to the Hon. Dr. Menzies. (Telegram.) AVellington, 10th February, 1879. Dr. Hector will advise Curator re fish ova. The Hon. Dr. Menzies. Edendale. G. S. Whitmore.

No. 14. Mr. H. Howard to the Under Secretary. (Telegram.) Invercargill, 10th February, 1879. Please instruct Railway Manager here to pass men to carry whitefish ova from rail to ponds. Henry Howard, The Under Secretary, AVellington. Curator of Salmon Ponds.

No. 15. The Assistant Under Secretary to the Acting Commissioner of Railways, Christchurch. (Telegram.) Wellington, 11th February, 1879. Kindly instruct officials to expedite by all means in their power, and to pass free from Lyttleton to Invercargill, persons in charge of whitefish ova, to arrive by Frisco mail per " Hinemoa." W. M. Hannay, Esq., Amelius M. Smith. Acting Commissioner of Railways, Christchurch.

No. 16. Mr. J. C. Firth to the Assistant Under Secretary. (Telegram.) Auckland, Ist February, 1879. My preparations to receive whitefish ova completed. I am anxious to place Auckland portion iv Taupo without delay. Can -'Hinemoa" land me at Tauranga as she goes South. No other boat leaving till 17th. Latter course will lose five days, and may involve loss of ova. A. M. Smith, Esq., Assistant Under Secretary. J. C. Firth.

No. 17. The Hon. the Premier to Mr. J. C. Firth. (Telegram.) AVellington, 11th February. 1879. Orders were sent yesterday to land you at Tauranga, J. C. Firth, Esq., Auckland. G. Grey.