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No. 5.

Memorandum by Dr. Hector. Colonial Museum, Wellington, 29th January, 1879. Memorandum re Whitefish Ova. Mr. Creighton's letter advises Government to expect one million ova on 12th proximo iv Auckland, so that there is hardly sufficient time to make arrangements. Unfortunately no particulars have been sent of the number of packages, so that a definite scheme for their distribution cannot be arranged beforehand. If possible, they should be distributed in four lots: to (1) Auckland, for lake, in deference to Mr. Creighton's wish; (2) Christchurch, for Lake Coleridge; (3) Dunedin, for Lake Wanaka; (4) Invercargill, for Lakes AVakatipu and Te Anau. Action required. —l. Telegraph to Mr. Firth, Auckland, requesting him to receive and tranship the ova on arrival in Auckland, and to take charge of the share for Auckland Society. 2. Telegraph to Secretaries of Acclimatisation Societies at Christchurch and Dunedin to prepare to receive and hatch ova. 3. Telegraph to Mr. Howard, the officer in charge of the Government Ponds at AA rallacetown. to prepare to receive and hatch ova. 4. Copies of the Parliamentary Paper H.—ll, 1878, should be posted to the above for their guidance. 5. If it were possible to arrange for the " Hinemoa "tobe in waiting for the mail, with a temporary icehouse fitted up to receive the ova boxes, and instructions to take them South without delay, the chance of a successful issue to the experiment would be improved. James Hector.

No. 6. The Assistant Under Secretary to Mr. J. C. Firth. (Telegram.) AVellington, 30th January, 1879. Me. Ceeighton informs Government of shipment of one million whitefish ova from San Francisco. They will arrive by mail steamer at Auckland on 12th proximo. He has sent no particulars of number of packages, so that definite scheme for distribution impossible. Government wish shipment to be divided into four lots —one for Auckland, one for Christchurch, one for Dunedin, and one for Invercargill. You would greatly oblige Government by undertaking distribution, and by receiving and transhipping ova on arrival in Auckland, aud by taking charge of Auckland portion, which, it is suggested, should be sent to Lake Taupo, as requested by Mr. Creighton. Professor Scott, of Dunedin, will be in Auckland, aud will gladly assist you, and Mr. Burton, of the Museum here, will also be present to assist, and to take charge of southern portions. Letter by post giving all information in possession of Government. Amelius M. Smith, J. C. Firth, Esq., Auckland. Assistant Under Secretary.

No. 7. Mr. J. C. Fieth to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (Telegram.) Auckland, 31st January, 1879. Message re whitefish ova received. Ova boxes will arrive in icehouse unprotected, and must be at once provided with insulating chests and ample supplies of ice. My time is more than occupied with private and public affairs, but, as my experience may probably help to render the enterprise successful, I will undertake the management requested. Please cause officers in command at Rotorua and Taupo to be instructed to render me assistance about 15th February. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. J. C. Firth.

No. 8. The Assistant Under Secretary to Mr. Firth. (Telegram.) Wellington, Ist February, 1879. The Colonial Secretary desires me to thank you for accepting task of receiving and distributing ova to arrive on 12th instant. The " Hinemoa" will be sent to bring it down direct; and you are authorized to procure all necessary ice and labour you may require in transhipment. " Hinemoa " will be fitted with icehouse ; but get what you consider necessary. J. C. Firth, Esq., Auckland. Amelius M. Smith.

No. 9. Mr. Greenfield to the Under Secretary. (Telegram.) Nelson, sth February, 1879. The Nelson Acclimatisation Society will have everything ready at the snow-fed Lake Rotoiti for whitefish ova promised by Government. Can you inform me when it may be expected; what quantity ; and whether the " Hinemoa" will land it here en route t The Under Secretary, Wellington. Alfred Greenfield.