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Notes on the above Detail. The items under the heading " Greenstone Road" comprise the cost of all the new works on the road from the Hokitik;i town boundary to Kumara, and the maintenance of the same road from the Arahuraßridge (Thompson's) to Kumara. The heading "Bom and Hokitika Road" comprises the cost of the maintenance of the road from tho 11.0. Line, at the Kanieri District boundary, to Ross. The remaining portion of the road to Kanieri is inchided under the heading " Kanieri District Roads," under which heading is also included the maintenance cost of the Arahura Road and all other roads and tracks in charge of the Road Inspector of the Kanieri District. The heading " Arahura District Roads" comprises all the by-roads and old Road Board tracks in charge of the Road Inspector for the Arahura District. Under the heading " Totara District Roads" are included the liabilities of the late Totara Road Board, paid by the County Council after merging of the Board.

StTMMAEY. £ s. d. Public Works ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 299 0 11 Subsidies ... ... ... ... ... ... '951 13 4 Acclimatization ... ... ... ... ... ... 108 18 0 Administrative and all other charges ... ... ... ... 2,671 6 4 Total expenditure ... ... ... £19,030 18 7 County Council Chambers, 9th May, 1879. H. R. Rae, County Treasurer.

ABSTRACT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the WAIKOUAITI COUNTY COUNCIL for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

J. Smith, Treasurer. I have examined the above statement and compared it with the Treasurer's books aud records and with the Bank pass-book, and I certify it to be correct.—H. Livingston, Auditor. Passed by tho Waikouaiti County Council this 13th day of May, 1879. J. Green, Chairman.

Detail Statement of Expenditure— continued. All Other Charges. Half-year Half-year Nature of Work. ended ended 30 Sept., 1878. 31 March, 1879. £ s. d. £ s. d. Gas ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 16 6 2 7 6 Toll-house repairs and requisites ... ... ... 23 4 6 12 9 0 Cleaning office ... ... ... ... ... 7 3 0 9 10 0 Borough, Hokitika and Ross (Sir George Grey's visit) ... 37 10 0 Licensing Courts expenses ... ... ... ... 17 10 0 31 2 0 Labour, &c, in connection with salmon importation ... ... 1 17 0 Electoral rolls, preparation of ... ... ... 14 15 O 3 3 0 Telegrams, postage, carriage, and petty cash ... ... 10 3 2 23 17 3 Horse and buggy hire ... ... ... ... 12 4 0 32 7 6 Percentage to collectors on taxes collected ... ... ... 31 18 9 Dog collars, auditing accounts, wood and coal for office and tollgates, and sundry small miscellaneous charges ... ... 30 0 0 39 15 6 Total. £ b. d. 7 4 0 35 13 6 16 13 0 37 10 0 48 12 0 1 17 0 17 18 0 34 0 5 44 11 6 31 18 9 69 15 6 Total ... ... ... ... 129 3 2 216 10 6 395 13 8 Bank interest ... ... ... ... ... ... 59 14 7 59 14 7

General Revenue. £ s. d. Balance on 31st March, 1878 ... ... 1,082 12 1 Licenses— Publicans' ... ... ... ... 370 0 0 Bottle ... ... ... ... 60 0 0 Transfer fees ... ... ... 8 0 0 Temporary ... ... ... ... 8 15 0 Slaughterhouse ... ... ... 51 0 0 Weights and Measures ... ... 0 0 4 Mis ... ... ... ... ... 1,011 18 9 roll buildings, gates, &c. ... ... 57 3 0 Jold Revenue ... ... ... ... 93 12 6 Jold Duty ... ... ... ... 206 16 0 Jand Fund ... ... ... ... 3,825 17 2 Dog-tax ... ... ... ... 325 10 0 government subsidy ... ... ... 1,927 0 9 Slaughterhouse Inspector's fees ... ... 16 0 jioveriiment grant, Harbour Road ... 200 0 0 Deposits on contracts ... .. ... 345 9 10 Special vote of General Assembly for road, Palmerston to Houndburn ... ... 1,500 0 0 [nterest to 31st March, 1879 ... 50 14 4 Account. Expenditure. Tolls collection, &c. Clerk and Treasurer Chairman Members' travelling expenses Messenger Inspector Printing and stationery ... Advertising Election expenses ... .., Valuation Charitable Institutions ... Office rent Subsidy to Road Boards... Collection of Dog-tax Public libraries... Plant Law expenses ... Refund of Land Revenue Roads and Works— Junction to boundary of Maniototo Palmerston to boundary of Waitaki Shag Valley to Hyde Junction to Town Belt, Port Chalmers ... Waikouaiti, Station Road Waikouaiti, Harbour Road Palmerston to Houndburn Contractors' deposits refunded Toll le .sees' ditto Incidental expenses Balance in Bank on 31st March, 1879 £ s. d. 87 4 0 275 0 0 187 10 0 146 16 0 43 1 3 270 16 8 45 2 10 58 0 2 17 10 0 34 2 4 409 6 9 37 10 0 180 0 0 31 7 0 120 0 0 20 4 6 26 15 2 382 11 3 3,333 15 7 123 13 2 705 10 9 111 7 0 33 5 2 347 1 6 1,500 0 0 390 5 4 150 1 3 24 10 8 2,034 7 5 £11,125 15 9 £11,125 15 9