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BALANCE-SHEET of BRUCE COUNTY COUNCIL for Year ending 31st March, 1879.

ABSTRACT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the COUNTY of BAY of ISLANDS, for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance April 1st, 1878 ... ... ... 862 2 8 Works ... ... ... ... 1,073 5 1 Subsidies ... ... ... ... 1,995 4 7 Surfacing ... ... ... ... 198 5 6 GoldJDuty ... ... ... ... 185 12 8 Grants to Road Boards ... ... ... 782 0 0 Goldfields Revenue ... ... ... 79 14 6 Tools ... ... ... ... 6 17 3 Land Revenue ... ... ... ... 1,997 15 2 Collection of tolls ... ... ... 16 10 0 Grant from Government, Kaitangata Road... 200 0 0 Collection of dog-tax ... ... ... 27 12 3 Licenses— Rent of office ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 Publicans' ... ... ... ... 145 0 0 Advertising, printing, &c. ... 102 12 8 Bottle ... ... ... ... 30 0 0 Charitable institutions and hospitals ... 572 15 11 Billiard ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Refund, Clutha County Council ... ... 1112 0 Bush ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 Refund, Colonial Treasurer ... ... 257 0 1 Slaughterhouse ... ... ... 45 0 0 Election expenses ... ... ... 40 14 O Dog-tax ... ... ... ... 268 15 0 Valuation ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 Tolls ... ... ... ... 21 16 11 Salaries, Cliairman ... ... ... 137 10 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 36 7 0 „ Clerk and Inspector ... ... 201 15 O Treasurer's advance repaid ... ... 0 19 10 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 39 9 3 Interest on Bank account ... ... 97 14 9 Office furniture ... ... ... 3 0 0 Deposits ... ... ... ... 46 5 0 Deposits ... ... ... ... 82 6 9 Balance, cash ... ... ... ... 2,420 17 4 „ deposits ... ... ... 43 5 0 £6,042 8 1 £6,042 8 1 I have examined the above account, and compared it with tho Treasurer's books and vouchers, and with tho Bank pass-book, and certify it to be correct. —II. Livingston, Auditor. Alex. Nelson, Treasurer. Gth May, 1879. Henry Clark. Chairman.

Receipts. Balance in Bank, 1st April, 1878 ... Special Parliamentary grant [nterest on „ ,, jtovernment cheques, special, viz., — For road, Black Bridge to Kawakawa „ Kawakawa to Derrick... „ Ohaeawai to Kaikohe... Paymaster-General, fees j» >. .. !0 per cent, of Land Fund Collector of Customs, licenses bounty rates collected in— Waimate Riding Russell Riding Kawakawa Riding lalf-year's subsidy lubsidy for Russell Road Board ... Dog-tax, 1878— Waimate Riding Russell Riding Kawakawa Riding .„ (1879) ree, slaughter license Jalance of Russell Road Board Account £ s. d. 569 0 1 2,222 4 5 41 17 6 887 8 0 300 0 0 250 0 0 10 10 0 2 0 0 79 4 0 272 5 0 145 4 9 41 14 7 57 12 6 98 11 8 16 5 9 11 0 0 11 0 0 22 16 0 7 8 0 10 0 42 5 1 Expenditure. £ s. d. Waimate Riding— Road, Falls to Okaihau, S. Dixon ... . 144 1 6 Great -North Road — Extras, Bedggood ... ... ... 71 14 0 Inspecting, Jos. M. Williams.., ... 7 10 0 „ S. Weetman ... ... 13 4 8 Compensation for fences, J. W. W. ... 38 18 2 Bridgenoar Waimate, Alexander and Dixon 51 10 0 Waimate Road, Bedggood ... ... 100 0 0 Metalling Puketona, Alexander and Dixon 67 10 0 Road from Great North Road to VVhangai, Herepo ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 Road from Falls to Ti Beach, clearing scrub 5 19 0 Road from Falls to Ti Beach, copy of plan, Palmer ... ... ... ... 1 11 6 Road from Falls to Black Bridge, metalling 50 0 0 Russell Riding—■ Russell Road Board Account ... ... 20 18 0 Russell Wharf, Prior ... ... ... 416 2 0 ,, „ passage of Engineer ... 2 8 0 Kawakawa Riding— Boad to Whangai, hill cutting, Binden ... 20 12 0 Oropa Bridge, repairs, Bedggood, and Goldie 49 4 0 Road, 11 igginson's to Great North Koad,Spratt 20 0 0 Great. North Road, extras, Bedggood ... 11 0 0 Waiomio Bridge ... ... ... 251 17 2 „ „ plans, Neumann ... 8 8 0 ,, ,, compensation toCo-operative 25 0 0 „ ,, inspecting, Farrar ... 5 0 0 Oropa Bridge, metalling, Binden ... 22 10 0 Derrick Road, clearing ti tree ... ... 15 18 6 Oropa Road to Swift's ... ... 10 12 7 Atkin, for valuation books and printing ... 10 10 6 Herald, advertising account ... ... 17 8 0 Star „ „ ... ... 1 17 6 Northern Advocate „ ... ... 9 12 6 Stationery, cheque book, and stamps ... 14 17 5 Dog collars for 1878 and 1879 ... ... 21 3 4 Clerk's salary ... ... ... ... 24 9 6 Expenses of Clerk attending Assessment Court 10 0 Cliairman, Clerk, and Treasurer ... ... 112 10 0 Expenses of Chairman attending Conference 4 15 0 Expenses of members of Council ... ... 12 16 0 County Auditor's expenses ... ... 2 8 0 Office rent, 12 months ... ... ... 15 0 0 Office fittings, Prior ... ... ... 10 0 Expenses of election, Greenway ... ... 11 10 10 Valuators'fees... ... ... ... 20 0 0 Freight, interest, and exchange ... ... 0 17 0 Collecting rates ... ... ... 9 14 6 Government contract, road from Black Bridge to Kawakawa ... ... ... 1,295 14 9 Fixed deposit ... ... ... ... 1,01)0 0 0 Balance in Bank at Russell ... ... 1,051 3 5 £5,089 7 4 £5,089 7 4 H. Williams, Treasurer and Chairman.