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No. 44. Mr. Geay to Messrs. Gilcheist, Watt, and Co. Gentlemen, — General Post Office, Wellington, 2nd January, 1879. I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 27th November last, embodying the substance of a communication addressed to you by Messrs. Williams, Blanchard. and Co., the San Francisco Agents of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, relative to a proposal made by the President of the Company for performing the present San Francisco Mail Service with three boats instead of four. In reply, I beg to inform you that the proposal is one which this Government decline to entertain. I may add that tho matter was brought under the notice both of this and the New South Wales Governments, in the month of November, and that, after due consultation, the respective AgentsGeneral were advised by telegram to the effect that four boats must be maintained in the service, as at present. I have, Ac, W. Geay, Messrs. Gilchrist, Watt, and Co., Sydney. Secretary.

No. 45. The Hon. Saul Samuel to the Hon. the Postmasteb-Genebal, Wellington. Sib, — Sydney, 10th January, 1879. I have the honor to transmit herewith, copy of a communication received from Messrs. Gilchrist, Watt and Co., and of enclosures* therein, containing a proposal for the mail service between Sydney and San Francisco to be performed by three boats. The service under the present time-table could be worked with three boats, apparently just as easily as under the proposed one, so far as the Contractors' interest is concerned, but I am of opinion that the new contract (as it has already been determined) shall provide for the actual employment of four boats, as with this number of vessels the services of a steamer can be secured at this end of the line to take out the mails in the event of an accident to the incoming boat. This very essential requirement would not be met if sanction were given for the employment of only three boats. Apart from this, however, the present table alternates better with other mail services than that proposed, and no change, therefore, seems desirable. I shall be glad to learn your views before replying finally to Messrs. Gilchrist, AVatt, and Co.'s letter. I have, Ac, Saul Samuel, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. Postmaster-General. * The enclosures to tbis communication were identical with No. 43 of the present series, and enclosures thereto.

Outwakd Route. HOHEWABD Rl ItJTE. Leave Arrive at Leave Arrive at London. | San Fr'iico. Honolulu. Auckland. Sydney. Sydney. Wednesday. 1879. Jan. 1 Auckland. Honolulu. San Fr'isco. London. Thursday Evening. Monday. Tuesday. A. ednesday. 1879. Feb. 5 Monday. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. 1879. Jan. 29 Saturday. 1878. Dee. 26 1879. Jan. 23 Feb. 20 Mar. 20 April 17 May 15 June 12 July 10 Aug. 7 Sept. 4 Oct. 2 Oct. 30 1879. Jan. 13 1879. Jan. 21 1879. Feb. 10 1879. Jan. 6 1879. Jan. 21 1879. Feb. 15 Feb. 10 Mar. 10 April 7 May 5 June 2 June 30 July 28 Aug. 25 Sept. 22 Oct. 20 Nov. 17 Feb. 18 Mar. 18 April 15 May 13 Juno 10 July 8 Aug. 5 Sept. 2 Sept. 30 Oct. 28 Nov. 25 Mar. 5 April 2 April 30 May 28 June 25 July 23 Aug. 20 Sept. 17 Oct. 15 Nov. 12 Dec. 10 1880. Jan. 7 Mar. 10 April 7 May 5 June 2 June 30 July 28 Aug. 25 Sept. 22 Oct. 20 Nov. 17 Dee. 15 1880. Jan. 12 Jan. 29 Feb. 26 Mar. 26 April 23 May 21 June 18 July 16 Aug. 13 Sept. 10 Oct. 8 Nov. 5 Feb. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 31 April 28 May 26 June 23 July 21 Aug. 18 i Sept. 15 Oct. 13 Nov. 10 Feb. 18 Mar. 18 April 15 May 13 June 10 July 8 Aug. 5 Sept. 2 Sept. 30 Oct. 28 Nov. 25 Feb. 26 Mar. 26 April 23 May 21 June 18 July 16 Aug. 13 Sept. 10 Oct. 8 Nov. 5 Dec. 3 Mar. 15 April 12 May 10 June 7 July 5 Aug. 2 Aug. 30 Sept. 27 Oct. 25 Nov. 22 Dec. 20 1880. Jan. 17 Nov. 27 Dec. 15 Dec. 23 Dec. 3 Dec. 8 Dec. 23 Dec. 31 Note.__cception, d it Honolulu .or the Wei —The running luring this yea i and San Frai dnesday Bteam ; time between Sydney i ir, tbe Australian steamei ncisco could and should md San Fri rs have am. be made o incisco is the same as i . ed one day ahead of sche me day earlier, thus placi in present s .dule time, i ing the mai! ichedule. But with on< md we think the arrival; Is in New York in seasor ler.